Deal or no deal

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The car's engine was up and running, while Wraith an Pathfinder where getting in with their stuff. Elliot hugged his mother one last time, and made his way to the driver's seat. The car started it's way and Elliot waved goodbye. They were on their way back to the city. First, they needed a place to stay. After the event of yesterday, authorities would run the place on investigating the strange pod arriving from nowhere, specially on the building where it landed. Good thing they were going to keep a distance from there at a tall hotel building. The traffic was busy, and the sidewalks were full of people either going to their jobs, or just for the enjoyment. As the car drove through, Wraith kept her eyes outside of the window. Looking at the people, so oblivious of the outside forces that could one day take this city apart. It was just a matter of time until the I.M.C. would come and conquer this place. But little did she know, there was a little part of it already here.

"We'll be staying in a hotel for the mean time. Rumors has it that recruiters go around looking for new people for the games, specially at the bar. And that's where I'll be going next." The car stopped at the sidewalk in front of a dark tall building with balconies in almost every floor. They went in and were greeted with employees offering to carry their bags, which they politely declined. The floors were made of marble, which was busy with people moving here and there. The stairs were covered with red carpets all over, and a chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. Elliot and the others, got to the main desk, greeted by a lady who asked how could she help us. "Hey there," Elliot said. "Can I get two small rooms? Same floor, please." "Sure!", the lady responded while a blue square appeared flat on the desk. Elliot placed his wrist there, as he received the keys for the rooms. The desk turned green and then faded back to black, then they started their way through the stairs.

They reached the doors of the elevator, as it opened and people began to step out. Its walls were covered with black marble, and the corners had stripes of gold. Yet Wraith didn't noticed these details, or anything else, as she was rather uncomfortable in the confined space. The doors opened after going up a few floors, arriving at a hallway with doors in both walls. "Here," Elliot said while giving Wraith her keys. It was small with no spikes. "Make yourself at home! Just remember your room number. Path will stick with ya while I try to get us in the games." Everyone agreed as they went to their own rooms. Simple, yet you could notice the luxury. A bedroom with a balcony of the view of the city. A bathtub and a shower. Small kitchen with more than what you needed. Wraith unpacked the little things she had and sat down. This was it. This was her chance, and she wouldn't allow herself to fail. Yet the weight of the possibility of losing her chance was blooming. All sorts of doubt were filling her head in the silence of the room.


Knocks on the door wake Wraith up from the bed. She gets up, confused and startled. The knocks on the door come back again, and Wraith stands up to quickly answer. Pathfinder greets her, "Hello, friend. We are gonna leave now, are you ready?" "Y-yeah, I'll be there in a sec," said Wraith. "You ok?," asks the voice. Wraith closes the door and explains, "Y-yeah. It's just... these, voices. And, the things I see... I... I don't know...". Wraith puts her back on the door. "Could it be your..." she sits down in thought. "No, I'm sure they're not my memories," the voice explains. "But could be someone else's." Wraith gestured an expression of interest. "You don't mean..." "I'm not sure yet," the voice says. "But that's one of the things that come to mind." Wraith sat there for a minute, thinking what could it be that she was seeing. Yet deep inside she had a feeling that she would discover this soon. She stood up, grabbed her key and left through the door.

They go through the elevator to reach the first floor and get to the car by the parking lot in the back. The car starts and they make their way through a straight road in between buildings and stores. There was less people outside than that morning and it was more calmer. The traffic was light and they took a turn to arrive to their destination just in time. It wasn't that far from the hotel, and it appeared to be a small building, not so attractive either. It was near a big outdoor mall, with people moving on about. The car stopped and they got out to the sidewalk. "So, this is, the place?" Wraith asked confused. "Yep... or that's what I heard. I'll just go and ask if they know anything about him,"says Elliot while checking himself a little bit too much. "In the meantime you guys can walk around if you want. Just don't go far." "Don't worry," Pathfinder said, "I'll watch over her!" She didn't like the idea to be watched over, but with the robot she could make an exception.

They made their way crossing the street and arriving at the public entrance of the outdoor mall. Elliot checked his face one last time, before stepping inside the bar. It wasn't that much. It was small and simple. It was also too quiet, yet he could notice how some of their customers were keeping an eye on the good-looking man that he was. Atleast that was what he thought. He sat down besides another person, and ordered a drink. The man sitting besides him was a little bit too focused on his drink at the table, as he was just sitting there, rarely taking sips. The bartender began preparing his drink in front of Elliot, and that was when he took the chance. "Hey, man," he said. "Can I, ask you something really quick? You see, I'm looking for a guy... who can get me and some other buddies in the Apex games... think you can, help me out?" The bartender looked at him with a hint of utter confusion, but quickly gave a glance at the man sitting besides him.

That man looked back at the bartender, and slowly began to reach for his pistol in his waist. "3,000 credits," the bartender said. "Whaaaaat? C'mon we can do something a little bit less!" responded Elliot to the bartender's sudden claim. "How abouuuuut... 2,500." At this point, Elliot has having fun. He knew he had much more credits to waste. Might as well play along. "..." The bartender stood silent for a moment, "2,800". Elliot began scratching his chin as he was in deep thought. Or atleast that was how he wanted to look like. "2,650". The bartender appeared to be losing his patience as he responded, "Enough. 2,750, and that's it-" but quickly was interrupted by Elliot, "2,700." Even though the bar was usually quiet, it was never as quiet as that moment between Elliot and the bartender. Little did Elliot know, the man besides him was ready to draw any second. It was just a matter of a wrong sudden move from Elliot, or the bartender's call if it was getting out of hand. For them, the games were too important, since it could mean unwanted business with the authorities. Even though they though Elliot was a fool for even coming here, in the end, they were the ones fooled.

"Deal." The bartender made a gesture of inviting Elliot into following him into the kitchen. They went through, as all the cooks stop what they were doing to take a good look at the young man who managed to actually make a deal. They went inside a refrigerated room, while the bartender placed his hand in one side of one of the walls. The wall, or mostly part of it, started to slide open. A small hallway appeared with a door at the end. Even though, he was usually the one to literally fool around, he was impressed with what he was seeing. The bartender pointed towards the door and left the room, while Elliot made his way towards the end of the hallway. As he got close enough, the door opened automatically, revealing a bar that looked as if luxury reigned over, and was more expensive than its actual looks. There were tables surrounding the bar with a bartender that looked oddly like Pathfinder. Again, he walked in as if nothing happened and took a seat besides another person.

Elliot was sitting besides a young woman with hair buns, looking at her drink. He, tempted, called her attention. "Hey there-" but was almost immediatley interrupted. "Leave me alone..." said the woman with a heavy foreign accent. Surprised, Elliot backed off. Who could possibly deny such a man as, "You're new... Who are you?" A man said, sitting from his other side without looking at him. "Hey," Elliot responded. "You can call me Elliot. Looking for a man around here. Me and my friends wanna get in the games. Though he could help me." The man turned, and took a long look at him. "Why...?" Elliot is hit a bit by the unexpected question, but follows along. "W-well. It's been kind of a dream of mine to-" "Then you can kiss your ass goodbye. This is not a dream, this is the real thing. And things like this could get yourself killed...


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