Plan #3

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3rd Pov

The blonde and brunet walk on to the football field full of teen girls in booty shorts and crop top trying to make it on the most popular team in the country. 

Cheryl: Omg cousin Betty what are you doing here? 

Betty: I'm here to try out with my new friend Veronica? 

Cheryl: You don't have to try out.

Veronica: Hey redhead if she wants to try out she can. 

Cheryl: Hold on new girl don't mess with fire. The only reason Betty does not have to try out is that I already know she could do it. We went to cheer and dance camp together sents we were 5. 

Veronica: Oh

Betty; Well I want to try put I don't want people to say I just got on just because your my cousin. 

Cheryl: Okay you to go change I hope you guys are ready. 

Archie Andrews was coming on the football field with the rest of the football team. The boys just came from running laps coach gave them a break so they thought that it was a good idea to see all the teenage girls who will be on their knees for them. All the teen girl where stretching. Then I raven head boy yield. 

Guy: Betty Copper try out for cheerleading. 

Making all the boys turn to look at the blond beauty. The redhead boy was speechless this could not be happening.  He decided to call the raven head serpent. 

Phone call

Archie: Jughead did you know Betty was trying out for cheerleading. 

Jughead: What no I  thought you wherewith her at Pop

Archie: I thought you were with her. 

Jughead: Apparently not. 

Archie: Just get down here I don't think I can handle all these boys. 

Jughead: I'm on my way!

The read head and raven head boy were freaking out. They had a hard time keeping boys from their girl. Jughead really loved Betty he was scared with him being in the Serpents how betty would fill for him. Archie was just not ready for a real relationship with a girl like Betty looking for her true love hoping to have a family He just was going to keep her waiting tell he was ready. 

The raven head boy runs to the field with some of his serpent friends. 

Jughead: Have they started yet

Archie: No their stell stretching. 

Jughead: Oh please don't be a hot dance, please.

Cheryl: Okay loser watch and learn

Archie and Jughead: Noooo

A lot of the girls did pretty bad but when Betty did it the whole football filed was shook. 

Archie: See this why we told every guy that liked Betty that she didn't like them. 

Football Team: What

Reggie: You know I liked Bettey sent elementry school. 

Adama: Ya Hey everybody

Making everyone turn to look. 

Adama: Gusse what Archie Andrews and Jughead Johns have been lying to use this hold time. When we all wanted to ask Betty Copper out they lied to use. She never really knew that we like her or want to ask her out. They wanted to keep her all to them selfs. 

Betty: Is it true Jug ..Arch. 

Both boys put their heads down nodding. 

She grabs both of the boys by their ear pulling them down form the football flew all the way to the parking lot. Both boys knew they were in a lot of trouble. 

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