Plan #4

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#3rd person 

The green-eyed beauty could not believe what just happen. 

Betty: I can't believe you, boys. You know I thought that I was not pretty. I wondered why no boy would sak me out or even talk to me. I felt horrible. Now, will you boys plase tell me why you did that.   

Jughead: Don't you get it Betts we are jealous we always been jealous. Sents we were little. Betty, we like you kay and could not bair the thought of you being with anthor guy. 

Archie: We are really sorry Betty.

Betty: Why did you not tell me? 

Archie:I'm not ready for a real relationship

Jughead: I just feel like you won't like me as much anymore now that I'm a serpent. 

Betty: I don't know what to do. I needed a little time to forgive you guys. 

She walks away. 

BUGHRAD/SPOURSEHART ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now