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I FEEL NOTHING but pain throughout my body.

I try to move my foot. It doesn't budge. I begin to run my hands across the bed, but an unfamiliar fabric caresses my touch. I open my eyes. Instead of the white silk sheets I am used to, I feel the cotton black ones below my fingertips. It is then I feel the presence of someone touching my back.

I slowly look over my shoulder. Harry is fast asleep. His hair is a mess and I am able to make out that he is shirtless, halfway under the covers. The only contact he makes with me is his hand resting on my back.

About the time I take a deep breath, he starts to move. His hand must have felt my body moving as he starts to wake up, taking a deep breath himself.


His groggy voice rings in my ear. I swallow in hopes that my dry throat will allow me to speak. "Harry?"

I feel him sit up. I roll on my back and watch as the sheets fall off of his chest onto his lap as he runs his hands through his hair, pushing it back. "How are you feeling?"

The images from last night run through my head. One of the last things that I saw was Harry relentlessly throwing punches at my attacker as the door closed behind us.

"Okay..." I answer, ignoring the pain through my leg. The man must have sprained my ankle.

"W-What happened?"

I nervously wait for the answer before he licks his lips over his lip ring. "You passed out. Erik said you hyperventilated."

"Why am I in your bed?" As soon as the words roll out of my mouth, I almost regret asking.

"I needed to make sure you were breathing."

"Oh." Is all I manage to get out. It almost sends a little warmth through my body. Did he actualy care?

Once I sit up, I realize that I am no longer in my club outfit, but rather in one of my own big t-shirts.

"Don't worry," he speaks up, "Maria changed you."

A wave of relief washes over me. He didn't see me undressed.

He holds his hands up to examine them. I look over, seeing the cuts and bruises all over his swollen hands. I am taken back.

"Is that from last night?"

He nods, continuing to examine them. He runs his fingers over his knuckles and gasps just little enough for me to hear. He's hurt.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He replies.

I lean over and look closer. He notices my concern and shakes his head, showing a little smile. "I'm a big boy, I'm fine."

I frown as I remember the events frown last night. How dirty I felt, how dirty I feel right now. I can almost the man's lips on my neck now.

I quickly wipe my expression away and pull the covers off of me. I swing my legs over the side, but as soon as I try to stand, the pain that was once rested in my lower leg and ankle shoots up throughout my body. I instantly fall back on the bed as I see Harry walking up to me, also out of bed.

"You can't walk."

"I see that." I sarcastically reply back.

"Where are you trying to go?"

"I need a bath."

I know that my bathroom only contains a shower, but I know that the downstairs guest bathroom is a dual.

Ember » H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now