I groggily open my eyes to see Harry standing at the foot of my bed. I see him holding a bunch of clothes in one hand and his other holding a bag over his shoulder.

"I got you some clothes. You need to put them up." He then throws the bag on the floor in front of him, throwing the other on the bed.

I sit up. I must have fell asleep from all of the crying.

"After you get done come downstairs. You need to cook dinner. I'm fucking starving."

He turns and steps out of the room, leaving me alone. I slide out of bed and pick up the first few shirts laying on the pile.

Gray. Black. White. Black. How can I tell he picked these out?

I walk over to the small closet. I open the doors and see the empty hangers and begin hanging the clothes up. I examine each one as I put them in the small space, holding a few up to my body for size.

I stop when I come across a dress. It's beautiful. It's white, silky, and short. It appears to be tight, but what really pulls it together is the lace that traces the back. I hold it up to my body and walk in the bathroom. As I look in the mirror I am instantly intrigued and almost put it on, but decide to hurry and finish hanging up the clothes.

Why would he get me a dress?

I finish the pile and move on to the bag. I hurriedly throw everything in the closet and make my way downstairs, ignoring my growling stomach. When I reach the bottom I am met with Harry standing by the kitchen entrance, waiting on me.

"I stocked up on food. What do you know how to cook?"

I think for a few seconds, "I know how to cook spaghetti?"

"Sounds great."

He hold a thumbs up as he walks away, soon disappearing around the corner.

I get started. After digging through the cabinets and shelves, I find everything I need. I put it all on the stove and after about half an hour, I am almost done.

I find the bowls. I get two out as I hear footsteps once again come into the room.

"It smells good." He remarks. I am taken aback by the slight compliment, but decide not to let my expression show.

I hand him his bowl. "It's ready."

Dinner is quiet.

Harry sits across from me. He eats slow, twisting his food around inside his bowl, separating every noodle before taking a bite. I also take my time eating, cherishing every bite I take to satisfy my hunger.

I scan his arms up and down. I try to make out every tattoo inked on his skin, but one stands out in particular. I notice on his wrist lies the letter 'N', except the bottom left and top right line ends with an arrow head.

"What's that mean?"

He looks up from his bowl. As I motion towards his wrist, he pulls his hand flat down on the table. "Nothing of your concern."

"Seriously? I'm trying to make conversation."

"Who said I wanted to talk?"

I let go of my fork and it hits the side of the bowl rather loudly. I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms. "I figured if you were going to keep me here, we should at least get to know each other."

"You're not here to get to know me. You're here to do my work."

"How can you be so selfish?"

The fork that he began bringing up to his mouth stops, leaving him to look up in my direction. "Excuse me?"

"You took away my life. You took me away from my family, my house, and all my belongings, just so you can have a helper?"

He starts to talk but I cut him off. "You know there is such thing as maids, right? Assistants. There's more going on here. I know it. You didn't bring me here for nothing."

He puts down his fork completely and pushes his bowl away. He leans back like me, crossing his arms as well. "Look, Ember. You need to stay out of it. You know you weren't happy living with your shitty sister anyways."

My blood runs cold. I sit up straight, leaning towards him. "How did you know I lived with my sister?"

That's when it hits me. I never noticed it before, but I had never told him my name. I never had my wallet on me that night and my phone was broken by that point. He knew who I was. He knew I lived with my sister. He knew who I was. He knew exactly who he kidnapped.

The room turns silent. Harry then picks his bowl up and stands, walking towards the kitchen. I jump up, following right behind him.

"You knew who I was before you took me, didn't you?"

He walks towards the sink, putting the bowl in.

"So, it wasn't a random kidnapping after all. Why would you take me, Harry? Why would you chose me out of everyone to take?"

He goes over to the fridge, opening it up. I watch as he takes out a bottle of water, completely ignoring me. I stand strong, continuing to argue.

"Answer me. How do you know me and why am I here?"



"Ember!" he twists around and faces me. His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks down at my eyes, sending daggers.

I step back, keeping my eyes on his. My mind replays the last time we were like this, except against the wall. His torso on mine, his breath on my neck...

"Again, stop asking so many damn questions."

I shake my head. "I've seen the way you dress. I've seen your closet. I've seen your room, and hell, you just put your bowl in the sink for me. You know how to be tidy. You wouldn't go through the trouble of kidnapping somebody just to fold your laundry and cook a dinner for you."

He looks down at me. "Ember, please. Just stop asking questions."

"Why can't you just let me go? You don't need a maid!"

"But we need you."

I pause. Harry closes his eyes and sighs loudly, rubbing his hand over his face.

"What do you mean?"

He turns away. "Go. I've already said too much."

"What do you mean, 'we'? Who is 'we'? Talk to me, please. I just want to go home."

"You're better off not knowing anything."

"How is it better if I don't know why I'm here?"

"The more you cooperate, the faster you'll be able to leave. So go to bed."

"Answer me, Harry."

"Go to bed."

"Just answer me!"

He whips around and points up the stairs.

"Please, don't push me right now. Go before you wish you did."

As angry as I feel, as hurt as I am, as strong as I stand, I turn around and find my feet leading me up the staircase.



short but guess what

the shorter they are, sometimes i upload and update twice at once! so be thankful for the short chapters!

love you


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