s c a r s

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*trigger warning, mention of self harm in this chapter*


peter was taking his usual thursday route around queens. yes, you read that correctly, his thursday route. his girlfriend, michelle jones, had done her search. she found that certain places in queens are more criminally active on certain days of the week. man, she was weird. but, he loved it. he loved her.

as he was rounding the corner to her townhouse, he smiled.at this point, it was all instinct. the goofy smile.  the increased heart rate. the blush. all of it, just at the thought of her. he really did love her.

when he did land on her balcony, the curtains on her glass door were open. he peeked in and saw her standing in the mirror. she was wearing nothing but her underwear with a look of discontent on her face.

he knocked on the door. mj turned around, fear and shock on her face. she ran toward her desk chair, grabbing one of peter's sweaters and throwing it on.

she came toward the door, opening it. "peter," she tucked her hair behind her ear and readjusted her glasses. "what are you doing here?"

"it's 7:30, mj..."peter responded, stepping into her bedroom when she moved to stand out of his way.

"oh," she whispered, going to sit on her bed.

"what's wrong, mj?"

"nothing peter. let's get to studying, yeah?"

"mj," he repeated, his voice still soft, sitting next to her. "what's the matter?"

she was already grabbing her chemistry textbook, completely ignoring his question.

"michelle jones, what were you doing?" he asked, his voice now stern, grabbing her hand.

she leaned back onto her headboard, but, she didn't let go of his hand.

"i'm not gonna stop asking until you answer," he reasoned.

"it's just," she sighed, tears already crawling down her face. "i look in the mirror and i don't like what i see, okay? i have too many scars to count, big and small. i'm so skinny and lanky i look like a twig. i don't wear makeup, i don't fix my hair. peter, i am the ugliest and least likable girl ever.  how i somehow got you to date me i don't know. but-" she looked up to him "that is what's wrong."

peter's face was unreadable to her, there could be so many thoughts going through his head. but, she didn't assume anything. anytime she assumed anything, she was right. and right now, she didn't want to be right.

she wouldn't let herself assume.

when he finally did make a move, he stood up and turned her body to him. as she lifted her own chin, he pressed the spider-emblem on his chest. this caused his suit to expand, draped loosely around his shoulders and chest. he moved his arms causing the rest of the suit to fall. he stepped out of the feet, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. he began to explain, starting by pointing at a scar on one of his knuckles. 

"this one is from a fist fight i got into while being spider-man. the guy had a knife and cut me here." he pointed to his arm, "here." he pointed to his lower stomach, by his belly-button, "and stabbed me here."

he went on an on, explaining every single one of his scars, finishing with the tiny one above his eyebrow.

she sat there, with the tiniest of smiles. but, it was overshadowed by her slight look of confusion.

"everyone has scars, mj and they're beautiful. michelle, you're beautiful. now, would you please show me just how beautiful you are."

she did as peter expected and stood up, taking off his sweater.

"these ones," she cleared her throat, pointing to the scars on her wrist. "these are from middle school. right after my dad left..."

and she did the same thing. her finger traveled the path of scars, explaining every one.

once she finished, peter took her hand. he brought it toward his mouth, kissing the inside of her wrist. he continued this making his way up from her right arm to her collar bone, down to the one on her left hip up to the one on the underside of her left jaw. he finished with the one just below her nose.

"you are sarcastic and detached at first. you don't wear makeup and don't worry about your hair. but trust me, mj. you are perfect. you are amazing and beautiful." he paused, holding her face in his hands. "and not at all twig-like. mj, you are perfect.

"your scars don't make you imperfect. they tell your story."


this one is partly inspired by five feet apart and everything, everything. both really good, sappy romance books. 

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