Chapter nine: Letting an Enemy in your home

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I'm probably making the biggest mistake of my life.

Letting Ana in my house was not planned. It was just a in the moment thing, and I wasn't thinking nothing of it.

She seems like she's an ok person now.

But hell, even salt looks like sugar.

We were sitting on the couch, talking like nothing was wrong or happened years ago between us. It was weird but it didn't feel as weird as I thought it would.

Ana was a different person as far as I could see. She was smiling a lot, sounding super sweet and she was complimenting my house and how great I looked.

I was still on edge though because I still remember that this was the same woman that ruined my life for years. I was on high alert no matter how long it has been.

This was still Ana.

"So, how's life?" She asks, smiling.

"Pretty good. How's your life?"

She nods. "Going great, actually."

"That's good to hear."

Our conversations were so plain. It was hard to keep a good one going because a silence would fall between us every once in a while.

It felt weird having her in my house, and I was getting a really bad vibe.

"Um, I got shit load of things to do. I'm sorry."

She smiles then stands. "No problem, Skylar. I understand."

I walk her to the do0r and held it open as she stood there in the doorway. I slightly smiled at her. "It was nice seeing you." I lied.

"You too, Skylar. Take care of yourself." I watched as she turns to walk away.

When she gets into her car, I shut the door then sigh. I wasn't sure why but having her in my house felt too weird and I could tell she was bringing a bad vibe.

Ignoring all thoughts, I turned around and walked to the kitchen. I was afraid that if she would have stayed any longer, my pizza rolls would have burnt.

I prayed as I opened the oven and saw that they were ok, but not even done yet.

Groaning, I shut the oven then crossed my arms as I leaned against the counter. I watched the clock on the wall slowly go by, not even fast enough for me to eat, no it wants me to starve.

I sat on the counter and grabbed one of Julie's magazines. I flipped through the pages and pretended to be interested in this fashion shit.

Not sure what Julie is all into it, but to me it's yucky.

Flipping through the pages, I became extremely bored so I tossed it off to the side and started swinging my legs.

"I have never been this bored in my life!" I yelled.

I leaned back until I was laying down on the counter. I stared up at the ceiling as my back started becoming cold, but I didn't really care because all I wanted was my food.

Thinking about Julie, I really started missing her. I miss her everyday when she's working and it sucks because when I wasn't working, all I was doing was sitting here bored like I am now.

Sighing, I stared at the ceiling I was starting to think about how my life is now and how happy I was now, compared to a few years ago before I met Julie.

It was as if a blessing has been sent down to rescue me from my shit-hole life.

I owe my whole life to the woman that I'm madly in love with.

Sure, we have fights sometimes and it hurts, but at the end of the day, I'm glad to have such an amazing wife and mother to my child. My soulmate and whole world wrapped into one woman.

After a few minutes of thinking about Julie, I heard the oven ding. I quickly jumped off the counter and ran to the oven.

I put on the oven mitt then grabbed the pan and placed it on the counter. I smiled as I turned the oven off then took the mitt off.

Knowing that the pizza rolls were extremely hot right now, I started blowing on them but ended up getting dizzy-headed.

I poked one but it was hot so I quickly took my hand away and stared at it. "I want you, damn it." I whined.

After staring at them for a few moments, I heard my phone start ringing. Walking over to it, I grabbed it and saw Julie calling.

I smiled as I answered. "Hey baby."

"Hey, how are things?" I heard screaming kids in the background and I chuckled.

"Things are going good. Just making food."

"Ok. Just don't burn the house down, please?"

I rolled my eyes then smiled. "I got it under control."

"Ok, baby. I love you. I'll see you in a few hours."

"I love you too. Bye."

We hung up and I placed my phone on the counter then turned towards the pizza rolls. I picked one quickly then popped it in my mouth.

I did that weird chewing, where my mouth was open and I look like a fire breathing dragon.

I don't know how that helps, but it sometimes does.

You're still burning your mouth, but pieces at a time.

Taking a deep breath to cool out my mouth, I looked at the pizza rolls and thought that they were cooled off enough, so I grabbed a plate and placed a few on it then walked to the table and sat down.

Eating was like a strategy. It had to do with the fact that the pizza rolls were still hot, so I had to breathe while eating but sometimes that wasn't working. I started to take them apart, but it ended up burning my fingers.

I finally finished them in a little few minutes. I quickly ate because I was so tired of fighting against them.

Placing the rest in a container, I placed it in the fridge then walked to the living room and decided to pass the time with tv.

As soon as I sat down, I heard someone knock on the front door. Rolling my eyes, I got back up and walked to the front door.

When I opened it, nobody was outside. I looked around but didn't see anyone, and there wasn't any cars in the driveway.

Probably a ding-ding-ditch.

Before I had the chance to close the door, the last thing I remember was being hit across the head then I blacked out.

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