Chapter twenty one: Too much sometimes

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We have our differences sometimes. We fight over the stupidiest shit ever, but what couple doesn't fight? I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a good relationship if you didn't fight every once in a while.

I still act like a kid, I get that. Nobody really fully grows up and I haven't really hit that peak yet where I start acting like an adult.

Julie acts more mature because she's older than me. She's classified as an adult and I'm still halfway there, somewhere between adulthood and childhood.

At twenty seven, yes.

One of the other reasons is because Milly. She's five and when I'm around her, it seems like my childishness comes out to play and I can't hide it.

There's a line between acting an adult and acting like a child when it comes to your own children.

Sometimes you have to be the adult and take care of them, then other times you can act like a child to play with them.

I'm learning as I go.

This was my future and I have a lot to learn, but I'm a fast learner so I'm not afraid of what's to come because I know that if I fall down, Julie will be there to catch me.

I walk into the kitchen to see Julie sitting at the table, drinking her coffee and looking through her phone. When she looks up and sees me, she was completely caught off guard.

"Why are you up?" She looks at her phone then back at me. "It's six."

Shrugging, I made some coffee then sat down. I didn't want to explain to her that I haven't slept any, so I just pretend that I just woke up. "Just wanted to see you before you went to work."

Holding onto my coffee cup, she watched me for a moment before smiling. "That's sweet, baby. You never did that before. Why now?"

"Just wanted to spend more time with you." I smiled then took a sip of my coffee.

It felt like I was revived after that hot liquid went down my throat. I could never really get enough of coffee and I don't think I ever will.

After a moment, Julie stands up and walks over to the counter where the coffee pot was. She poured another cup then walked back towards the table, before st0pping near me then leaning over and kissing my head.

I smile at her as she sat back down across from me. I stared down at the coffee cup as I was thinking about how my sleep schedule was so fucked up.

Julie still has no idea because I don't want to tell her. It's nothing to worry about and since she likes to worry a lot, it'll just add more shit to her and she doesn't need that.

"What time does Milly have to be up?"

Julie looks over at me. "Seven. She has to be at the school around seven forty five."

I nod as I watch her. "What time do you have to be there?" I never really keep track of all this shit, even though she's told a million times.

"I already told you I don't know how many times, Skylar." She watches me. "You can't remember?"

Shrugging, I watch her. "Not really. Too much shit to remember."

She shakes her head. "I have to be there around seven, but they know that Milly has to be at the elementary school, so we work through it." I nod as I took another sip as she's watching me. "Do you have work today?"

"Yeah." I say as I look at her. I really wasn't in the mood to work, but since I already took so many days off after what happened, I couldn't miss anymore.

She watches me. "Make sure to call me when you go to lunch or whenever you can, ok baby?"

"Yes ma'am." I smile.

Rolling her eyes, she lifts the cup up to her lips, not breaking eye contact with me as she drinks. She sets it down then looks at her phone.

Staring at the table, I knew that today was going to be a fucking long ass day and I wasn't ready for it.


I yawned as I swirled around in my chair. I was beyond tired and I hate how my sleepiness just came over me when it should of came last night when I needed it the most.

Fuck this shit.

Staring out the window, today just seems to drag on and on. It was only a little after two and I had until four until I left from here, which seems like a short two hours, but it was going so slow.

Julie called me at lunch and we talked for a little while. It kept my mind occupied from how tired I was, but it was cut short when I had to get back to work.

I've had a pretty good day, doing my work and talking to my co-workers. It was great to be around people who was friendly and happy, without dealing with people who hate work.

We all enjoy working here and that was one thing I liked about working here. I've only been working here for almost a month now, and I've grown to love it a lot.

I texted Julie and told her that I miss her, just to keep myself occupied as I was waiting for someone. Plus, I really missed her a lot for some reason.

Sighing, I placed my phone down and prayed that this day would end a little faster. I was more than ready to go home and maybe, just maybe I could take a nap and get some sleep.

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