Chapter 1 - The Portal

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~Raph's POV~

The sudden beeping of my alarm clock almost caused me to fall out of my bed. I groaned as I slapped my hand on the wooden table beside my bed, looking for the snooze button. It was nowhere to be found. I groaned as I sat up, slowly opening my eyes. The alarm clock has somehow managed to shake itself off the table and onto the floor. I regretfully slipped out my warm comforter and picked my clock, slapping the snooze button in the process.

I got my mask from my desk and tied it around my head. I sighed and walked out my room, heading for the kitchen. The smell of toast, eggs, and bacon hitting my nose. I sniffed in the scent, and I almost immediately felt awake. I sat down and watched Mikey make breakfast.

"Morning!" Mikey greeted, which I returned rather dully.

After a few minutes, my brother my sister, and sensei came up. We greeted each other good morning and eat in silence. Today's gonna be a boring day...the usual.

After a few hours, Casey, April and Irma came up. Well, Irma used to be a Kraang robot who was being controlled by Kraang SubPrime, but Donnie insisted to make her a new body—which looks exactly like her human form—. He fixed her enough to still act like the usual Irma. But...well, we expected the unexpected, Donnie eventually fell in love with his own creation, more than the way he loved Metalhead. I guess I can say they're in a relationship now. I know, it's weird.

Irma almost automatically went to the lab to go and check for Donnie. April and Casey went to the couch and snuggled with each other. The sight of couples make me puke! I'm really thankful for Leo not liking Karai anymore, I'll really vomit if he likes our sister.

I sat down my beanbag chair and took out my magazine. I know, I've read it a million times already, but we have nothing to do anymore. Today is a Sunday and we don't have training, our patrol doesn't start until 8 this evening. We have a whole day of nothingness.

A loud boom just caught our attention, coming from Donnie's lab. We looked at each other and nodded. We got to our feet and started running for Don's lab. When we opened the door, hard wind began acting up. It began sucking us up!

I managed to grab the door before I get sucked in. I saw Donnie holding his table, trying not to get sucked in, with Irma hugging his waist.

"Donnie! What the hell happened?!?!" I yelled, glaring at Donnie.

"I don't know! It just appeared out of nowhere!! I didn't do any experiments, I SWEAR!!" he replied, looking at the portal. "It can't be the Kraang's! It doesn't look anything like their portals!"

The wind is getting harder and harder every second. It wasn't long until my hand slipped and I got sucked in. "Raph!" was the only thing I heard before the darkness surrounded me. The portal is still there, glowing it's bright blue colour, but I can't see though it.

Soon enough, I saw my friends and family got sucked in too. We're all floating in that dark, black space until gravity kicks in and pulls us down.

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