Chapter 2 - The Girl

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I landed on a pretty soft surface.

I looked down and saw a red comforter, like mine's but it is so much bigger. I looked around and saw that I landed in a bed. Irma and Donnie landed on the couch, but the others, they landed on their butts—not Splinter though, he's a ninja master.

"Ugh, what just happened?" Leo groaned, standing up.

I looked around. It seems like a teenagers room. Well, a nerd teenager that is. A computer's desk was placed against the wall, and posters of Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror covered the black and red walls. All of them seems so unfamiliar, like Star Trek, Star Wars, The Conjuring, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and other stuff. Each wall represents a two genres. But one specific wall made the breath get stuck in my throat. One wall is entirely full 

Our pictures are arranged in a framed collage. There's a bulleting board with notes pinned in, and under that board is a desk with a chair. Mikey walked towards the desk and took  a paper. "What the-?!" he gasped and started looking through them.

"Dudes! You have to check this out!!" he yelled, taking the papers and showing them to us. "They're drawings...of us!! And some other people! Mutant and humans!!"

"What?" Splinter said as he took them and looking through them. His eyes are scanning the papers closely. "Someone has been watching us."

Suddenly, a voice was outside the door. It sounds like a girl,she was talking to someone. We looked at each other nervously and looked at the closet door. We ran towards it and fit ourselves in. Leo shut the door just as the girl walked in.

The closet has louver doors though, so we can see though. How did I know what type of door it is? Well, I must've read it in one of the advertisements on of my magazines.

She has black hair that's straight half-way up, and curly half-way down. She has glasses and is wearing red knee-length shorts with an oversized white jacket. What's designed in the jacket made my breath get caught in my throat again. It has the name Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in it with a really weird looking mutant turtles. Something tells me that's us.

She's talking to the phone. "Really? You didn't tell him I took his comics, did you?!" she practically screamed. I heard someone talking to her back. She flopped down the office chair in front of her computer and continued to talk. "Hey, hey. Just don't tell him. I know he loves his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book than anything else. I'm the same, but the thing about me is that the only TMNT comic I have is 'Turtles in Time'."

"Guys, are you hearing this?" Mikey whispered.

"Anyway, do you mind coming over? I need someone to talk to about some TMNT chiz. I don't wanna talk all day on my phone, that'll make me feel like a stereotypical white girl," she said rolling her eyes. "I'll be watching the new episode I downloaded from Youtube while waiting. We can restart it when you reached my house."

"Hmm? What's it about? DUDE! Don't you read Wikia or something?! It's when the turtles and April finds April's mom under their house!! DUDE!! It's like my new favourite episode now! I mean...I technically have a love-hate thing for April, but APRIL'S MOM?!! It's like TMNT heaven!"

"What? You don't want me to have a headstart? Why not?!"

"Okay, okay. Fine. I'll wait for you. I'll just watch 'A Foot Too Big'. Yes, yes. That time when Big Foot falls in love with Donnie."

"I know we both hate April kissing Donnie on the lips!! WE DON'T SHIP APRILTELLO ANYMORE!! Anyway, bye!" she hung up and placed her phone on her bed. She began doing some chiz on her computer and turned on full volume.

I didn't actually payed attention to what she was watching because Mikey's foot is on my face now. "Mikey!" I whisper-yelled through gritted teeth. "Stop kicking my face!"

"I'm not! The space is just too small for all of us to fit!" Mikey whisper-yelled back.

I pushed his foot away which is a terrible mistake. The closet door bursted open, revealing us. The girl gasped as she saw us. "Y-y-y-you're...HOLY CHIZNETS!!"

"Hey, don't fret. Uhm...I guess both of us need to answer a few questions." Leo said, raising to his feet. We did the same.

"Uhm...p-please, sit down."

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