The Beginning of The End: Siyeon

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'Silver-haired Siren'

Everyone in Daegu knew this name. With extremely fair complexion, silver hair, and silver eyes, and a beauty beyond any other. In an ideal world, she would be an idol or a model. But her existence itself contradict the plane of understanding or acceptance.

No one in Korea should have those appearance, considering the parent is a normal Asian parent. Somehow the genetics played dice with her. She became the object of scrutiny for as long as she could remember. Everyone is afraid for things the didn't understand. And Siyeon is the thing they couldn't understand.

When Siyeon is bornt, she didn't cry like other babies. The doctors were confused and dumbfounded by this incident. They thought something was wrong with her. But after all the tests and examinations, she was just a normal, healthy baby girl.

As she grew, her parent realized something is different with her. Her eyes were silver, along with her hair. This caused countless discords between her parent. Her father accused her mother for adultery. Discontented, her mother went for a paternity test to dispute the accusation. Siyeon is her father's daughter through and through.

They went to see a geneologist to find answers, but to no avails. None of her parent's bloodline carry such genes. All the specialist could draw as a conclusion is Siyeon's genes mutated. Her parent accepted the conclusion and let the issue down.

But, the eyes of the society condemned her existance. Rumors started to arise about Siyeon. A witch, a demon's child. But her parent didn't let any of these rumors discouraged them. They continued to live quietly, showering all their loves to their child.

Siyeon's went through her childhood friendless. The other kids shunned her for her appearance, calling her names and bullying her. She understood she was different from the others, but she couldn't register their actions toward her. One night, during dinner she voiced her concern.

"Appa, am I your child?" Siyeon's voice was slow and small.

Her parent startled from her question. Why would she posed such question?

"Siyeon ya, why did you ask such question? Of course you are Appa's and Umma's daughter.", her father replied with a gentle smile and assuring tone.

"The kids said I'm not Appa's and Umma's child. They said I didn't look like any of you.", Siyeon pouted.

Her mother giggled and snorted.

"Siyeon ya, they must be blind! Look here- this is my nose, and this is my eyebrows. And this over here- is Appa's eyes and ears!" her mother said happily while gently pinching her cheeks.

"Umma!! That's tickles! Hehehe~", Siyeon smiled brightly. She frowned no longer upon her mother's remarks.

"Siyeon ya, nae sarang. Never mind them, okay? They are just jealous because Siyeon ya is sooo cute! If any of them bullies you, tell Appa. Appa will scold them hard!" her father added and kissed her forehead.

Anxieties in her hard was hard blown away by her parent's answers. That became her foundation, her mantra. I just look different, but I am my Appa's and Umma's daughter. Nothing else matters.

Since the day, she paid no attention to her toxic surrounding. Who cares, as long as I have Appa and Umma. The other can piss off. Appa and Umma are what matters. No one else. But deep in her mind, she still afraid. Afraid of what the others have in store for her. She begged her father to allow her to learn self defense techniques and martial arts. At first, her father objected her idea, but upon her reasoning, her father finally agreed.

Years passed by, Siyeon grew up into a beautiful teenager. Her beauty overshadowed others, and she discovered something new about her; she has a beautiful voice. Now she has two hobbies; martial arts and singing. Her father tried to push her to pursue a career in singing, but she replied it is just a hobby.

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