The Beginning of The End: Handong and Dami; Part One

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Alarms blaring throughout the Djibouti base. Soldiers running left and right while their squad leaders shouted orders. Everything was supposed to be easy. Or so they thought. Shouldn't jinx the mission, that what they always said.

On a dark corner of the hanger, two silhouettes crouching. Hiding themselves. They completed their objectives, but screwed their extraction process. The tall one looked worried. Escaping the base won't be easy. Stealth is no longer an option. They might need to fight tooth and nail for their escape.

"Dami, what's the plan? We fucked up!" the tall one whispered, anxiety is appearant in her voice.

"Shit... Thought it wouldn't be that easy. Handong, guard our six. I'm calling it in." Dami replied, cool as ice.

"Baseplate, this is Fox One. We have a situation, over." Dami spoke through her comm

"Fox One, this is Baseplate. Explain, over" the comm replied.

"Baseplate, objectives secured. But the base is on high alert. Extraction at initial RV is not possible. Requesting new RV, over." Dami reported in. Handong is getting nervous behind her. Now, she's getting on Dami's nerve.

"DongDong, will you ease the fuck up? God!! The whole base gonna come down on us!" Dami gritted through her teeth, slapping Handong's helmet.

"Bitch, I'm scanning our six. Just get our new RV and get the fuck outta here!" Handong hissed. "And don't call me DongDong!!" Handong said while booting Dami's butt.

"Yah! Stop it!! Fuck, Han- Yes..... Two click south of original RV... No, sir. Our cover is still intact. Requesting Little Birds for air support in case things go south." Dami spoke through her comm.

"Dongie, we're up!"

"We're going back to where we enter, right?" Handong asked.

"No, too risky. We need to pave a new one. We need a new cover. Come on." Dami replied, removing the safety from her QBZ.

They maneuvered themselves through the base carefully, using every cover and every shadow they could find. Luckily, they passed unnoticed, despite all of the soldiers were in full alert. 10 minutes later, they came to the exit gate. But a group of soldiers were on standby there. Dami signalled to stop.

"5 tangoes, 2 on mounted heavy machine guns. No way to get pass them. And they don't seem to abandon their post. We have to break stealth to get through." Dami informed Handong.

"No need. They're tightly grouped. We can get them in one go. Tom and Jerry? I'm calling Tom" Handong coolly suggested.

Dami gave it a thought and agreed.

"But why am I always Jerry?" Dami sighed.

"Because you're short." Handong chuckled.

"Fuck off, you're two centimeters taller than me!" Dami shot back in annoyance.

"And don't you EVER forget that. Come on. Before others come."

Handong checked her weapon, making sure it's hot. Dami gave her rifle to Handong and unclasped her sidearm's holster. She unload her P227's magazine and load a fresh one. Cocked it in and switching off the safety. She slid it down back to her holster and turn to face Handong.

"Ready?" Dami asked.

"Yeah. Let's roll." Handong replied.

Handong held Dami back collar, making it seems like Dami was captured by Handong. They walked towards the sentries. The soldiers raised their guns and shouted, demanding explanation. Handong started to speak Arabic, replying to the soldiers.

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