3 rhymes with bhc <3

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Tommy boi was casually trying to cut up solid ice with a butter knife when suddenly a whole GROUP CHAT fell from the sky.


"Well categorically absolutely evidently not" Molly-Mae said.

Kiera and El hugged each other in terror while Casey ya yeeted through the hideaway.

Suddenly Tommy and Molly ripped off their masks to reveal they had been Adam and Tari all along! "SURPRISE GUYS WE PRANKED YOU ALL" and then they ate some pot noodles.

"Well this is an unexpected turn of events" said Reece Bibby from the lounge while he munched on Georges favourite snack.

Sasha jumped 50 feet in the air while Ava screamed and clutched to Karen because she always looks like she's getting kidnapped when she meets her faves but Karen was #cool because it wasn't Brendan Urie.

"wOaH" went Ovie as he realised he was twice the height of Evie. Then he ripped off HIS mask to reveal he was Brendan Urie, singer, ex emo, 6"7 basketball player,, and then Karen finally lost her #cool and died but it's okay because Sam played some Oasis and brought her back to life.

"HOW OVIE-WHELMING" came Ian Stirling's voice from who knows where. "AND NOW THE FLACK... IS BACK"

Caroline Flack strutted up the path and took a deep breath. "Islanders I have some news. One of you is going home tonight... but that must be decided by your fellow Islanders."

As one, BHC & co. looked at each other and gave nods. Then they rushed at Curtis and yeeted him off the cliff never to give shitty advice again. Maura was okay because she can get her fanny flutters from Curtis's older, much nicer, brother.

And they all lived happily ever after in Mallorca. The END.


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