Walking into danger

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Peter ended the call with Tuan, grabbed the folder he had prepared for Neal and walked into the conference room where the kid was waiting with Jones and Lauren.

"Good news. We put the word out Nicholas Halden's in town and looking to do business." Peter marched up to the whiteboard with the case on display. An agent was missing here and the clock was ticking.

"Lao's people took the bait," he continued and send the thick file across the table to Neal at the other end. "We're sending you in as an investor to his money-laundering scheme. Lao's game takes place just off of Mott Street. We'll be setting up around the corner."

"At Mei Shi Lin Restaurant?" Lauren asked.

"Ooh. Been there," Jones said with a pleased smile. "Good dumplings."

"And an even better HQ for our purposes. Family that owns the place are trusted CIs for the bureau," he added as a piece of information to Neal who browsed the file. "They've had dealings with Lao. We'll monitor the game from the second floor. Look, there's an agent missing in all this. So everyone stays sharp."

Neal rose his hand. An annoying habit.

"Yes, Neal?"

"I'm supposed to gamble, right?"

"I've cleared two grand for that, and not a word about that you need more than that. You'll have to do. You've already spent most of this mission's budget on clothes for your alias."

"Budget? I thought we had an agent missing here." Neal's innocent blue eyes met his. Damn kid!

"Then you better use the money well."

Neal followed Peter down the narrow corridor between the apartment doors. Their little group of five made the whole building feel clogged.

"The FBI is truly grateful for your help, Mr. Tuan," Peter told the man leading the way.

"I just want Lao out of the neighborhood," Tuan replied and stopped by a door. "He's been taking from my business for years. And with my own debt piling up, I can hardly afford to be in his."

"I understand," Peter nodded. Tuan brought out his key, turned to his door and then turned back to Peter.

"Look, I too am grateful for your help."

Neal saw Peter nod. Handling other people's emotions were not his handler's strong suit.

Tuan unlocked and walked inside. At the door, he kicked off his shoes. As Peter did not move inside Neal followed and kicked off his shoes too, as did Lauren and Jones. Neal glanced around in the apartment, then realized Peter was still standing by the door. He looked like someone asked him to pat a spider.

"Come on," Neal encouraged.

Peter looked at him and then his shoes. As he kicked them off Neal understood why his handler had become so uncomfortable. They all did. Peter's socks were baby blue with cute animals on them. Neal thought he saw a little kitten and a pony.

"Those standard FBI issue?" Neal grinned at Peter.

"They were a gift from Elizabeth."

"One that keeps on giving." He had an anklet and was constantly monitored. His handler had childish socks on display for everyone. Neal was not sure which situation he would prefer if it had been a choice.

They walked into the living-room.

"We tried to make room," Tuan told them.

"It's perfect," Peter assured him. It was small for this family and now they added four more adults. Not much to it. The family's little girl watched as they unpacked. And it did not take long before Neal saw the small hand grab a shiny object right under Peter's hand. Neal had to turn away to keep from laughing as his handler made a pretty good imitation of a goldfish.

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 3Where stories live. Discover now