Smile for the camera

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When Peter came to the office the next morning he saw a frustrated Jones hanging up the phone.

"What's the latest?" he asked his fellow agent.

"We got conflicting intel. I mean, we got reports of Caffrey sighted everywhere from Jersey to Geneva."

How did Neal do that? It was not the first time. When they chased the kid it happened from time to time that he was sighted all over the world. All that was missing was a long-distance call from him in the middle of the night.

"He's covering his bases."

"He stole them right off the field."

Fowler, still hanging around, came up to him.

"You got a quick minute?"

"Yeah," Peter replied but remained where he was by Jones' desk, giving no hint that his office was a better place to talk.

Fowler glanced at Jones but had no other choice than take the initiative himself.

"I just wanted to apologize for the other day, you know?" he said. "We want what's best for the bureau, right?"

If Hughes had not been on his side and Fowler's words had had any vital effect, the apology would not reach far. As it were, no one had listened to his complaints.

"Of course," Peter agreed and turned to Jones.

"Let me ask you a question. Just hypothetically. If you had to guess right now, where's Caffrey?"

Peter gave it a second hard thought.

"Probably trying to leave the country, if he hasn't already."

"Oh, you don't think he'd stay in Manhattan?" Fowler seemed baffled.

"Would there be a reason to?" Oh, God, he had learned that way of answering from Neal alright.

"I don't know. Wanna make sure we're using our resources as wisely as possible."

"Like I said, roadblocks and wanted posters."

"That's how we catch him?"

"Good start. If you don't mind, I gotta work." Peter turned to Jones and leaned on his desk, but Fowler remained. Both of them turned to glare at him for hovering. Fowler got the hint and left.

"Do me a favor," he mumbled to Jones.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Keep an eye on this Fowler guy and his goons."

"I'm allowed to do that?"

"I'm authorizing you to. Something isn't right."

Jones nodded and Peter walked up to his office. Ten minutes later Jones knocked on his door-frame.

"Got a minute?"

"Sure, come in."

The man did and closed the door behind him. He gave Peter a straight-forward look.

"Before you accepted Caffrey's deal you said that if I had any concerns I should talk to you."

"I did. What is it?"

"We both know roadblocks and wanted posters are no way to catch Caffrey. Either you don't want OPR to interfere or you don't want Caffrey caught at all. I just want to know what's going on."

"Can it stay between us?"

"Sure." Jones sat down.

"Neal has shown me things that made me believe he was set up. By OPR."

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 3Where stories live. Discover now