Chapter 2

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the lack of actual twitter in this chapter! I promise there will be more in the next chapter!

But PLEASE read this chapter because its important for the rest of the story.

Natasha: Peter, I am your godmother. 


Peter: Your my what now?

Natasha: Your godmother

Natasha: How'd you use italics over text..?

Peter: nevermind that- 

Peter: my parents werent even religious 

Natasha: They were Jewish.

Peter: shittaki mushrooms, i forgot abt taht

Peter: waitwait

Peter: why was i never told abt this??

Peter: shouldnt i have been told??

Peter:  how does this even work??

Natasha: Pyotr, you need to calm down

Peter: CALM???

Peter: DOWN????

Peter: Broski, u just went all Anakin skywalker on me 

Peter: and want me to c a l m d o w n

Peter: its like dat one karen video thing 

Natasha: ...

Natasha:  Anakin skywalker?

Peter: man ur oldd 

Peter: bru the heck- I thought my asthma went away after the spider bite

Peter:  WHy's it back?

Peter: that shouldnt be possible

Peter: science has gone out the window

Peter: that's it I'm suing me science teacher

Peter: nvm... lawyers r expensive

Peter: I'm suing money

Peter: an lawyers 

Peter: dhjk do inhalers just not work anymore???

Natasha: Peter, you're having a panic attack. you need to breath

Peter: nO kidding I need to b r e a t h

Peter: mind telling me hOw, captain obvious?

Peter drops his phone,  and falls off the bed. He didn't know what was happening; one moment he was texting his... Godmother?

 and the next moment he felt like he was having the worst asthma attack ever. 

Did his chest always feel so tight? it was like an elephant was sitting on him, almost as if he were breathing out of one of those plastic straw things

right, I need to breathe

friggin how though?

his hands started shaking, and everything started spinning.

he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to distract himself from the already painful headache that was making its way across his forehead 

That awkward moment when all the avengers get TwitterWhere stories live. Discover now