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#1 intern si-intern

Hey everyone! It's Mr. Stark's youngest (and favorite, shhhh) intern here

#1 intern si-intern

I made this acc so that I can show all of you what goes on inside Avengers tower 

#1 intern si-intern

Eye- Mr. stark just threw a cup at my head (he do be kinda salty), so I gtg


has anyone else noticed that si-intern account? is this one actually real? 

Biggest stark stan ironmam
i mean, i don't know if its real but the fact that it MIGHT BE is lowkey exciting

Biggest stark stan ironmam

Stark hasn't been on twitter enough, so even if it's fake, what do we have to lose tbh

#1 intern si-intern

okay what in the Minecraft zombie pigmen has happened ??? I woke up to 10k followersw?

Biggest stark stan ironmam
congrats, but are you really Stark's intern or not? I've never heard of SI accepting young interns, or the interns personally knowing Tony Stark.

#1 intern si- intern

wouldn't you like to know? ;)


You Have Entered The Avengers Group Chat

Clint:so, spiderman

Spider-Man: jdshfkgj

Spider-Man: ayyy its zed archer duudeee

Spider-Man: how iss you

Clint: ...

Clint: you type weird...

Spider-Man: pff old

Spider-Man: no judging in my Christian household ✋😌

Spider-Man: It says it in Genesis 19 or smthg...

Steve: Matthew 7:1

Spider-Man: Danggg u did research 

Steve: No, i read the Bible...

Spider-Man: broski

Spider-Man: u memorized the w h o l e B i b l e

Spider-Man: show me ur wayss, i want that type of memorization for my math HW

Spider-Man: imagine how many classes i'd pass

Spider-Man: languages i'd learn

Spider-Man: credit card numbers i'd know

Steve: credit card numbers?

Spider-Man: ;) 

Clint: household..?

Spider-Man: yes.

Spider-Man: y u so judgmental?

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