Chapter 3: Adulthood

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I graduated University, and I got a diploma in art and music! After that, I became a graphic artist (so fun!) and I started working for Dreamworks. The first movie we did when I was there, was rise of the guardians. I was in charge of character design, and boy, did I make Jack Frost good-looking!

At the premiere, I finally got to meet the person who was in charge of backgrounds.

I tapped on his shoulder, he turned around, and it was BRANDON!

"Brandon?!" I said, well, kinda screaming.

Brandon did the same thing, well, except he screamed my name, not his.

Aaanyways... We both embraced into a long, squeezy hug. I missed his wonderful old essence.

We both pulled back, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, and then we both started laughing.

Of course the cameras caught every second.

When we went into the theatre, neither one of us even watched the movie. I told him how unbelievably much Makcenzie has changed, and he told me about fuzzy friends being upgraded and expanded to take lizards as well!

We just kept on talking and talking until someone finally kicked us out.

We didn't mind anyways, so we just went to the park. This time, he didn't toss me into the pond. We just walked through the park, not saying a word.

Not because it was awkward, but because we both seemed to appreciate the silence. Finally when we reached the end of the park, he turned to me and said the sweetest words.

"Nikki, these past few years have been empty and dull without you. I can't even begin to explain how much I've missed you." He said while blushing.

"Aw! Y'know, you always say the sweetest things. I missed you too, you big doofus!" I replied and punched his arm.

"Silly cow!"

"Noodle brain!"

He smirked. "Carrot nose!"

"Aaw! Thanks! I've always wanted to be a snowman!" I teased, and we both started laughing.

"I love you, Brandon."

"Hmm... To love? Or not to love?"

I started giggling.

"Dude, did you seriously just reject me with Shakespeare?!"

"Maybe I did... But 'tis up to thee to decide what thy opinions are." He said while twirling his hands dramatically.

"Thou art a smartass!" I said and playfully punched his arm.

"Would you just admit it already?" I whined, swinging my arms childishly.

"Only for a reward..." He came closer.

"And what might that be?" I asked.

"A kiss!" He smirked, and I giggled as I leaned in and kissed him. I suddenly pushed him back and said "okay. Now say it."

"... I wuv you!" He said as he laughed.

"Okay, I guess we're gonna do this the hard way then..." I said, as I rubbed my hands together. He cocked his head to the side, and gave me a look that said 'what are you talking about?'

Suddenly, I grabbed him by the waist in a tackle position and pushed until we were back in the park.

Then I lunged forward, grabbing him by the collar. He fell onto the grass, with me on top of him, still holding his collar.

"Say it! Say it!" I said into his face.


"If you don't say it then I will have no other choice but to stay like this.... FOREVER!"



"Okay okay geez! I love you!" He said while laughing.

"Say it like you mean it."

He smiled. "I love you, Nikki Maxwell."

I blushed. "I love you too, Brandon Roberts."

"Soooo... Are you going to get off of me or what?" He said, gesturing at the position we were in. I shyly scrambled off him.

He walked me home that night, being as wacky as ever. I laughed so much that I think I got my laughter box infected.

By the time we reached my doorstep, we were out of breath from being so silly.

"Goodnight, Brandon." I said with a smile. I fiddled with my keys.

"Goodnight, love." He said.

For a few seconds, it was so awkward, until he leaned in and kissed me. It was a long and passionate one that gave me butterflies, no... snakes in fact!

So... Yeah. Now we're officials! (Again)

When I called Chloe and Zoey, they actually screamed into the phones. Mackenzie also squealed, and the next day we just chatted at the mall.

"Ugh. I still can't believe I kept on trying to steal Brandon from you! I mean, you guys were practically MADE for each other." Said Mackenzie as she took a sip from her starbucks espresso.

"Aw! Thanks Mackenzie. You really mean that?"

"Of course I mean it, hon! Believe me. I am waaay over Brandon. After military, I noticed all of the other fishes in the sea."

"So... Do you have one?" I asked, lifting a brow.

"A what?"

"A boyfriend! Or a fish, I mean..."

"Uhmm... No... But I have a crush on this really cute guy." She said while blushing.

"Do tell."

"Well... his name is Ethan, and he's a very smart guy. He has dark brown hair, blue eyes and wears glasses. I don't know why, but he has so much more value and kindness than the other jocks I used to hang out with."

"Go on..."

"There's one teeny tiny problem..."

"What's that then?"

"He's my... Math tutor."

I raised my eyebrows sceptically. "Aaaand how exactly is that a problem? It's not like he's the mailman, silly!"

"But I don't know what to do, Nikki. I mean, this is actually the reason why I dragged you to starbucks with me. I... kinda... need your advice."

My jaw dropped open. "You... need advice about boys... From me?!" I asked, and she just bit her lip and nodded.

"But... You're like... The queen of boys! You had boys drooling themselves stupid for you just by walking down the hall in middle school! Why the heck would you need advice from someone like me?!" I laughed.

"But I've never even had a boyfriend before, since I was so stubborn!" She dramatically pouted.

"Oh... You've got a point there."

I called Chloe and Zoey, and I only had to say two words. "Date rush!" And within three minutes, both of them were at the mall.

We spent the next two hours helping Mac, getting her TONS of outfits, not leaving a single clothing store untested.

"What do I do now? Do I like, ask him out or something?"

I smiled and said "Just be yourself, and you'll win his heart for sure."

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