Chapter 6: the wedding!!

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Fun fact: I was a flower girl at 4 different weddings, the last one being my cousin's! So before y'all go and judge the way I write a wedding, just know I'm an EXPERIENCED LADY. OK ENJOY BYE

15 March 2031

I am freaking out. Tonight we are on the highway, and I'll explain later on why...

"Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in... Breathe out." Mom kept on repeating to me.

I followed her rhythm like a holy metronome, like it was going to calm me. I was being hysterically nervous... Well... Every bride is nervous on her wedding day, but there's really nothing that can prepare you for the actual shock of your own wedding.

Chloe and Zoey were fanning on me to cool me off. Suddenly, Brandon popped his head in. "You guys going alri... whoa!" He saw me in my dress.

Every girl in the room started yelling for him to get out. "Brandon go away!"

"You're not supposed to see the bride until she walks down the aisle, idiot!"

Zoey started pushing him out. "Okay okay geez! I'm going!" He chuckled while raising his hands. "Keeeep walkin'! " Said Zoey while pushing.

"Mom! The dress keeps falling off!" Brianna whined. I know, she was fifteen and WAAAY too old to be a flower girl, but I let her be anyways.

Mom quickly rushed to Brianna and stuck a pin inside the back of her dress.

I calmed down a bit when I saw myself in the mirror. I saw an elegant powerful woman in a beautiful dress and done up hair, but I also saw myself. Mom saw me and clasped her hands over her mouth. "Oh Nikki! You look beautiful." She started crying.

"Mom! Don't cry, silly! You're gonna make me cry and then it's gonna be a big mess!" I wiped her tears away.

Suddenly Mackenzie barged into the room carrying four coffee's and three boquets. "Where is the bride... Nikki!! You look... amazing!!" She said as her gaze rested on me.

I could swear her jaw dropped to the floor. I giggled at her reaction. "Thanks Mackenzie!"

"Anytime hon!" She said, hugging me.

Finally I saw my dad peek, indicating that it was time to go. I was standing at the end of the aisle, Brandon gaping at the other side.

I could feel so many butterflies that I thought I was going to explode. It wasn't until dad hooked his arm onto mine, that I finally gained control over my nerves again.

I looked to the side, and there was Dad, smiling with his wrinkly face. I took a deep breath, and started walking...

Right now, It's one in the morning, so 'till tomorrow, dear diary!

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