
45 3 2

Year: 900 before 0
Place: Ancient Empire Of China

Here we are, in the castle of the South where.......
"Princess Y/N! Come back here this instant! It is not polite to skip your course!"
I guess I'll let them out!

?? POV

I ran for a while, finally able to catch her up.

"Princess! Why do you always do this?? You know your parents will be mad."

"Cut it out! Why are you always on my parents side, Joshua? I swear I don't want to go back. It's so boring to learn all of these political stuff."

I took her hand and we walked outside.

"Look here." I pointed on the Sakura trees. "They are beautiful, aren't they?" I smiled to myself. "Those flowers remind me of you. Beautiful, fragile and strong.

I stopped to look at her.

"I also want to tell you that whatever you decide to do, I'll be by your side"

She was about to say something before getting interrupted by another voice

"Excuse me, but I will like to talk to my sister privately...."

End of ?? POV


I turned around to see my dearest brother Jun Hui. I gasped before trying to escape him.

"Y/ you know what you have done now?"

"I don't know, dear brother. I was just walking you see.."

I try to fake walk out of the situation, but then he took my arms.

"I can't believe you. It's always the same thing." He said furiously

"Well, I'm sorry if those classes are so boring and i never said I wanted to rule this country!"

He sighed desperately and looked at me seriously.

"You know that your the only one that can do it right?"

"Why is that? Why can't you rule?! Why me?!" I screamed

"Because your the one with the blood of the ruler! You know the law has been passed for, generations."

"I don't care! I don't wanna rule! It's like a prison always doing the same thing everyday! For once in my life, I want to be free! Have some freedom. I'm tired to be the bird stuck in a cage!"

After I said that I ran away in the forest without looking back.

"Y/N! You can't do that come back here!"

I heard him scream from afar, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be far away where all my thoughts and pressure was far from there. I stopped when I saw the clear sky and the landscape that I've always found comfort in it. I sat down on the grass, trying to inhale the beauty. That spot has always been my escape proof. No one knows this place expect for my best friend Joshua.

As I closed my eyes, I heard a strange voice like a whisper of the wind.

You wanna be free, you wanna be different, they don't know you, they don't understand you.

I sat up looking around thinking I was crazy.

"Who's there?!"

No one answered. I just sighed and sat back on the grass, but then

I can change your life, Come to me....

I jumped in surprised, and then I saw that it was already dark. I must have fell asleep.
I then started to walk back looking at the place with a very strange feeling. I hope this feeling won't bring me bad luck. What I didn't know was that the feeling was going to change my life forever.
To be continued

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