The Requiem Screams

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 *Play the soundtrack for maximum atmosphere*

Time seems to stop for a second then resume as after this the smoke is halfway up everyone's body as it twists and contorts as if reaching out to something.

Mista is engulfed in the smoke but Giorno and Trish are able to use their stands to beat the smoke away.

the smoke begins to clear to reveal Mista completely unharmed but seemingly unconscious, Giorno and Trish turn to see many other people that look unharmed but are also unconscious.

The smoke is being pulled into a shadowy figure, beside the figure is a bruised and blooded man, Diavolo looking like he had just about survived Giorno's beat down.

Diavolo says nothing just stares at Giorno with hatred, Giorno dashes for Mista and grabs his gun he quickly has Gold Experience turn the bullets into Poisonous Caterpillars he tries to unload every bullet into Diavolo but the shadowy figure simply walks into the way of the bullets. within a few seconds butterflies fly out of the smoke, at that moment the smoke finally reforms the figures skin revealing a slender human-like creature with Jet black skin, the rest of it's features aren't very clear.

"behold, this is King Crimson Requiem, this... is truth "

Diavolo Exclaims as he walks toward Giorno and Trish

"no other outcome could of ever Defied my fate "

Giorno quickly pricks his finger so he can tell when Diavolo skips time, but Diavolo simply just walks toward him.

Giorno gets ready for a fight, but Time seems to stop for a second then resumes, but Giorno's pricked finger trick isn't triggered.

when Giorno turns around he sees King Crimson Requiem holding Trish by the throat holding her in the air, gasping for breath.

"normally i would give you a long painful death for all the trouble you've caused me. but you're family so I'll make an acceptation "

King Crimson Requiem's face begins to twist and contort into a cloud of smoke and rushes up Trish's nose, causing her to slowly close her eyes as she goes limp and fall to the ground

Giorno charges at Diavolo in a rage, but right as he's about to swing a punch at him he's tackled to the ground by someone, Mista.

"how the hell did you get my gun kid? you could shoot your eye out " Mista says looking how many bullets he has left "FOUR BULLETS?! this is unacceptable " Mista says throwing one of the bullets into a nearby bush.

"Mista what are you doing? " Exclaims Giorno is confusion

"how do you know my name kid? I've never met you in my life " Mista responded scratching his head.

Giorno grabs his wallet and shows Mista his I.D "see? my name is Giorno Giovanna and we're friends " Giorno states Desperately

"I can't say I've ever met you kid, last thing i remember is... hey I've never been to Rome! why am i here? " Mista Exclaims as he wanders off "I oughta find Bruno and the others " Mista mutters to himself as he walks away.

Giorno Chases after Mista


Giorno feels a Sharp pain then a warm oozing feeling coming from his stomach, Giorno looks down to see a jet black arm sticking out of his guts dripping with blood,

"this... is Requiem "

Giorno hears a voice whisper in his ear

"you'd be surprised how much someone can forget by wiping their memory of an entire week. "

the voice chuckles with a raspy tone, Giorno realizes this isn't Diavolo speaking, its King Crimson Requiem!

"Trish was harder though i had to wipe her entire Life memory, while as long as she lives she'll still be a threat to my user, but by wiping her memories she has forgot her very parentage and i shall insure it stays that way. "

Giorno coughs out blood as the arm rips itself out of his body.

Giorno falls to the ground in pain, he hasn't felt this feeling in a long time, this cold feeling, a crushing wave of Helplessness, not since he was a baby.

as he lies in the dirt he feels the life slowly leave him he sees everyone he's lost Abbacchio, Narancia, even Bruno...

suddenly Giorno feels a rush of fight come back to him he has Gold Experience Punch the concrete, Giorno reaches out to grab a large Chunk of Smashed concrete and has Gold Experience turn it into replacement parts it was painful but finally Giorno manages to stop the bleeding.

Giorno stands up still in pain from the replacement surgery ready to fight once more.

"i expect no less from you Giorno Giovanna, you refuse to obey fate you are truly a threat to me Giorno Giovanna, that is why simply using requiem isn't enough. i must erase you entirely "

The world seems to warp and contort then finally break, the world is now an empty infinite abyss.

"how will you survive in a world without time? requiem has given me the greatest gift, the gift of anonymity. all who mutter my name in the shadows will have their memories wiped by my King Crimson Requiem. "

King Crimson Requiem is more visible now  with a stressed looking face its teeth visible in a constant scowl it's eyes a hateful red on its forehead lies a blood red face not unlike how epitaph looked but rather than simply being a smaller King Crimson face this one resembles Doppio in a frozen face of terror, it squirms around as if trying to detach itself from king crimson requiem's forehead. Giorno tries to move but is unable to.

"Behold this is requiems Time erase, i brought you here so i can see the fear in your eyes as i kill you. "

Diavolo seems to teleport right behind of Giorno without even triggering Giorno's pricked finger trick, Diavolo swiftly Grabs Giorno by the throat and slams him to the ground.

"we can't have that stand of yours undoing any damage we do here can we. "

Diavolo Laughs as King Crimson Requiem grabs both of Giorno's hands and crushes them, Giorno screams out in pain.

"you were quite the threat Giorno Giovanna, but you believed you could beat fate and take Passione from ME?! i am Diavolo i am truth, fate has chosen me over trash like you time and time again, I AM A GOD! "

King Crimson Requiem raises it's hand ready to finish off Giorno Giovanna, suddenly something bursts through the infinite abyss and hits Diavolo sending him and King Crimson Requiem flying, the world seems to go back to normal revealing Diavolo's attacker, a rock with the Japanese symbol for death carved on it.

(Que "To be Continued")


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