July Contest - Results

566 22 11

1.  "Alone" by pipperamm

We loved the descriptions in this poem and how it really transported us into a setting and made us feel the emotions that the setting was trying to convey. (Also, it personally resonated with both of us.)

2. "Stupid but true" by lunathepurpledragon

We loved how this poem was relateable to both of us in a really deep way, and honestly probably would be to most people, and despite being short, still managed to convey emotion really well.

3. "Forgotten" by KawaiiKat_8000

This poem fits the prompt in a really creative way we never would have thought of! Also, it was really relatable to both of us as well. Congratulations on winning!

Thank you to all who have entered! If you won, congratulations! Your prize will be given ASAP.  Keep writing, and remember to submit to our August Contest, which can be viewed in the next chapter!

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