The police station

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I arrived at the police station, and was taken into a room were my mother and father were sat waiting. I could see my mother had been crying. She ran up to me as soon as I opened the door. She held me as I cried.
"What happened Ava?" My mum cried. I struggled to speak. Words just weren't coming out of my mouth, all I could do was cry and cry and cry.

I sat down next to my mother, her arm around my shoulder. The police officer began to ask questions and it was all a blur. Everything went dark and I struggled to speak yet again. I told the officer everything I could, The time I got on the bus, when the man asked for money, how his greasy, dirt stained hand crept up my leg. The feeling I will never forget.

Later that evening around 4pm I arrived back home. I went upstairs without saying a word and close my bedroom door I took my shoes off and laid on my bed and stared at my ceiling. I don't know how long I was there for but felt like five minutes but it was dark outside when I looked out of my window. I could hear my mum and dad talking downstairs, I could hear them talking about me and what they were going to do, they could see that I am in a dark place and I will never be the same girl again. They lost their baby girl on the 16th of September 2019.

Suddenly I couldn't breathe, I was gasping for air and I couldn't get any oxygen in me. I stumbled out of my bed and fell into my bedroom wall. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen when my parents turned to face me, their daughter struggling for air. My mum ran to me as I collapsed to the floor. I guess I passed out. I remember seeing everybody's face at college. In my head I can see them laughing and pointing at me. I can imagine what tomorrow is going to be like and I don't wanna go, I don't want to be left alone, I do not want to be alone on the bus, I don't want to be alone in college. I want to be alone in my room where I know that no one can hurt me.

I woke up to a glaring light in my eyes, I could hear my mother next to me "Ava you're in the hospital" I sat up and looked around, I could feel my mother holding my hand, I turned to face the mirror. I had a oxygen mask on, and in the corner of the room stood the man who touched me, I screamed !
I took the mask off and ran for the door, not realising I also had a cannula in my hand. I ripped the cannula off my hand. I didn't even feel the pain I was so focused of getting out of this hospital. A nurse and my mother chased me down the corridor and as I turned the corner I bumped into a young man, he was tall and warm, he looked at me and smiled. He made me feel safe when no one else did, I held him. Rapping my arms around him, he was confused, he didn't know what to do. The nurse and my mother caught up with me, I cried as they dragged me away from the young man who said "it will be okay" it's like he knew what was happening and God had sent me a gift.

I sat in my bed as the doctor examined my hand, he asked me why I ran. I sat in silence.
"Do you know the boy you ran into?" He asked me. I shook my head. All I wanted to do was see him again. He made me feel safe. His big muscular arms rapped around my tiny, helpless body.
The doctor looked at me and said, "he's my son"
I looked up at the doctor and smiled. "Can I see him" I asked.
"He's outside, and I think he wants to see you too. I'll go get him."
The doctor left and the young man came in.
He smiled and sat in the chair at the bottom of my bed.
"Hello" he said, his voice so calm and relaxing.
"I am Hunter, what's your name?"
"Ava Lehigh" I replied softly .....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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