Chapter 14

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2 days later

La'Nya P.O.V

"Thank you for dropping my food off" I told Kaylen

"You welcome. What time you getting off" he asked

"11 o'clock" I said

He nodded his head and drove off. I walked in my shop and seen my employees doing clients hair. I gave them all a key because they always make it to work before me.

"Hey La'Nya you got a gift in your office" Jania said while doing a client hair

I looked at her confused and walked in my office and seen some roses on my desk

"Did Kaylen send me this... he too much" I said smiling hard

I grabbed the roses and sniffed them. I grabbed the card and read it

"You will forever be mine, I love you from Bryson" I said slowly with a confused look on my face

"What the fuck, ain't he supposed to be in jail" I mumbled

I put the roses in the trash and the card. I sat down at my dest and started looking at my bill's that I have to pay
11:04 pm

"Thanks Daia, you can go home now" I said as I put the last piece of used hair in the trash

"You sure, you know I can close up the shop for you" she said

"You good. you can leave" I said

"Okay, bye Nya" she said then gave me a hug

I walked to my office and looked at them roses that was in the trash. I picked them up and sat them on my coffee table.

I grabbed my keys and purse and walked out. I made sure every light was off and things locked.. I walked out the shop. For some reason I had a weird feeling

I looked over my shoulder every now and then as I would try and locked the door. When I locked the door I hurried up and went to my car. As I tried to get in my car somebody grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth

"The fact that you really think you going to get away for leaving me" said Bryson in a deep voice

He picked me up over his shoulder and went to a black truck, I tried my best to get out of his hold but he was too strong. He threw me in the car making me hit my head

I groaned in pain

"Night night baby" he said smirking

My vision started getting blurry. Then I slowly went unconscious.

Kaylen P.O.V

Next day

I got out of bed and seen La'Nya still didnt come home last night. I called her phone and it went straight to voicemail

I shook my head and went to the kids room and got them ready

"Daddy where's mommy" Nyny asked looking around for her

"She went to work baby, dont worry okay" I told her smiling

She nodded her head and went to the livingroom playing with Marcus

I grabbed my phone and called up La'Nya job

"Hello. How can I help you" a white girl said on the phone

"Yea my girlfriend work there, La'Nya. Is she there" I asked

"Oh no actually. Which is pretty weird because her car is outside the shop" she said

"Okay, thank you" I said and quickly hung up

"Who want to go see Aunty Jada" I asked Nyny and Marcus

"ME" they said screaming

We got in my car and I drove off

"Kaylen what happened" Jada asked looking at me confused as she opened the door

"Look I cant tell you right now because I dont even know myself but watch the kids for me" I said then got in my car and drove off to La'Nya shop

I got out the car and went up to her car and seen her keys where on the ground and so was her purse. I looked through her purse to see if her phone was in there and it wasn't

I called her phone again and this time somebody answered

"Kaylen" La'Nya said on the phone crying

"Nya, where are you. What happened" I asked in a relief to hear her voice

"They beat me bad Kaylen" she mumbled

"Who beat you" I asked getting mad

"Bryson and Nina" she said

When she said those words I paused for a bit

"Where are you" I asked calmly

"I dont know. Some type of warehouse" she said breathing hard

"Send me your location okay. I'm on my way" I said

"Okay.... oh somebody coming I'll call you back" she said

"No no no, nya dont ha-" I cut myself off as I heard the three beeps

"SHIT" I yelled out

I got in my car and drove off


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