Seekers of the Sacred Jewel

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He couldn't believe in his predicament; here he was, five hundred years into the past being held as ransom by a half demon with cute little puppy ears. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep rather than dealing with this mess. Inuyasha tightened his grip on the hood of the human boy as the village men started to surround them, their dirty and sweaty faces filled with determination to get the male without getting their heads chopped off in the process.

"Pay no heed to Inuyasha, child."

"Uhm, pay extra heed please. My precious life is at stake here!" Rumi glared at the one eyed priestess before glancing over his shoulder at the slightly shorter demon holding him. "But can ya let me go? I got places to go, people to see."

"Shut up," he grumbled and moved his right hand, that was holding the hood, and clenched it around the human's neck, his claws prickling fragile skin and causing it to bleed. "I hate having to wait." Inuyasha growled towards the female Higurashi. "And I hate the smell of you!" With inhuman strength, the half demon tossed away the human in his grasp and ran swiftly toward the holder of the jewel. The silver haired boy figured that they wouldn't do anything to appease him from not killing the mortal, which was less satisfactory in his mind.

Seeing that her cousin was safe, Kagome turned and scurried away but tripped. Inuyasha soared over her, claws swiping for her head but only cutting off a couple of strands of dark hair. Rumi sighed from his position on the ground near the scared tree before shoving to his feet, taking the time to brush off the dust and greenery that stuck to him.

Kagome watched the strands of her hair fall to the ground in front of her as the half demon skid to a stop and swung around to grin maliciously while flexing his claws. "You really tried to kill me just now, didn't you?" the middle schooler dug her elbows into the ground to rise her upper body, sending the male a scathing glare.

"Shoot him!" a villager called out, drawing the string to the bow back along with some other men and shot the arrow, but they were merely sliced apart when Inuyasha twirled around to intercept them. With a precise swipe of his claws, the trees next to the humans crumbled and they scurried out of way from being crushed.

"Tch," Inuyasha pointed at himself. "Who do you people think I am? You think you can hurt me like I hurt that insect? As if." They cowered behind Kaede as Inuyasha continued to taunt them, whispering their worries to their old leader but quieted down when Rumi took his place in front of the one eyed woman.

"Well, how about taking me on? I'm sure I can hurt you." A dark smile graced his slightly feminine features as his fists flared violently with a hue of blue. Inuyasha flinched back slightly at the pure energy that the other boy emanated, his yokai withering.

"Please keep him busy as I cast this spell," Kaede's hand slithered into her haori and pulled out a cluster of beads and bone. Rumi nodded before nearly disappearing with how fast he ran towards the stunned half demon, who hopped off the tree to hastily meet him.

"Prepare yourself!" he yelled with false bravo.

Rumi smirked in response. "Oh?" They clashed with each other, the half demon grunting in effort to keep the glowing hands from connecting with his body. Even the close proximity made the hairs on the back of his neck stand in warning and fear to cloud his vision.

"Kick his butt, Rumi!" Kagome cheered, flailing her limbs in the air and in her clutch was the pretty pink jewel. Suddenly more determined to get the sacred artifact, Inuyasha swept the boy's feet from underneath him and lunged for Kagome, who shrieked and turned tail towards the bridge a couple of feet away. "I should have kept my mouth shut!"

"Heh!" Inuyasha swiped downwards and the force sent Kagome flying through the air, dropping the jewel in the process. Bright lights flew towards the youthful half demon and settled around his neck. "What the- what are these?" he tugged at them, but they refused to come off. Rumi grabbed his cousin and the jewel [which he handed to its owner for safe keeping] before jumping down a small incline, towards the bridge.

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