Chapter 3

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~*~ The Next morning ~*~

This afternoon I wake up alone. I have no idea where anyone is and I don't really care. The only thing on my mind is what happens tonight. We are playing another show at the Star Club and after I am hoping I will get to go to the pier and see Ringo.

It seems weird to be so eager to see him again so soon but theres something about him... The way he talked, the way he smiled, the feel of his embrace- it all seems so genuine. My breath hitches on the very thought of being in his arms again.

I have no idea how tonight will go, but I think it will be good. Maybe we will be friends... Or maybe more....

Most of the day I stay in bed, not being bothered to get up and find something to soothe my growling stomach. I pass in and out of sleep until evening comes.

~That night~

Our last song for the evening is over and it is time to get off stage. The entire show I had kept my eyes on one man, standing in the back, Ringo. It was evident that neither of us could wait for the show to be over.

I watched as he walked out of the building, a signal for me to descreetly follow. I manage to sneak out the door a few minutes later and look around not seeing him. Has he left? Suddenly I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I turn around immediately to face him.

"Wanna race?" He asks with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Before I can answer, he is off and my own feet are moving as fast as they can to catch him. For his stature he is surprisingly fast, but I almost caught him.

We reach the pier, he is slightly ahead of me. He turns around only to see me unable to stop myself in time to avoid crashing into him. I didn't hit hard but it was enough to make him need to take a step back to catch me. There it was. That feeling of his arms around me. Everything just felt so right with my hands stretched across his chest and forehead resting there as well. Here I am being held once again by a man I hardly know but this time we are laughing our arses off.

Eventually our laughing dies down to a quiet giggle, but we remained together.

"I won!" He huffed lightly.

"Only because you had a head start!" I laughed, pulling away to see his beautiful face in the light of the moon.

We pulled out of the embrace but remained close enough that our arms brushed against each others as we walked to the edge of the pier.

We sat down and I looked down below thinking of what almost happened here just the night before. I felt kind of uneasy but remembering him by my side made me feel a bit more secure. For a long time a conted silence sat between us, but eventually a smooth flow of conversation took its place.

After what seemed much too short of a time we had to say good bye but made plans to meet at the same place the next night. I walked home and found myself in a familiarly empty room with a familiarly cold bed. It doesn't really matter though, another night alone in no big deal when I have thoughts of someone else to keep me warm.

The next evening and for evenings after, he and I would meet outside club, then run hand in hand all the way to the peir. Once there, we would talk for hours. I learned his real name was Richard Starkey, with no middle name! I found it kind of cool though. I also learned he had no siblings, and had once lived in one of the more poor parts of Liverpool called Dingle. He loved to play drums but also dreamed of getting to sing and maybe act as well. More importantly than his history or even his interests, though, I learned him. I saw how generous and compassionate he is. He kept me laughing all the time and his energy as well as his whole manor reminded me of that of a little puppy. He was absolutely adorable just like one too. And I began to fall in love with those beautiful blue eyes of his. They seemed to express more by themselves than I have seen some people do using their entire face.

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