an appology

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Hello, so it has been quite a while since I have written on this little story. I just wanted to give a little explanation. I don't have access to my own electronic device anymore. How this happened is a very long story but here is the shortened version: I fell in love with a friend. A female friend. And so, we dated. Here in the middle of rural East Tennessee or as many call it "The Bible Belt" a same-sex relationship won't be an easy one to uphold. Well in this small town I live in word of every detail of everyone's life gets around quickly. Especially with something like this is considered scandalous and news will catch like fire. So eventually my parents found out about it. They didnt approve. I won't go into the plans or drama or all the pain that has been caused for me, and many around me. But because of the influence of the internet on me my parents have made the decision to take up my personal device. I can maybe still get some writing done here and there at school and other places but it will take some time. I'm sorry its been so long just please don't give up on me. I appreciate all who have kept up with me on this thing (and any other stories for which this same message applies).

Peace and love~ Ashley

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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