I Told You So

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author: icedteathief


Louis gets stood up for a tinder hook up, so Harry comes over for some fun.

It was almost time, as Louis checked the clock yet again and walked over to his bedside table, picking up his phone to check his Tinder messages once again. Louis was expecting yet another hook up for tonight, another match with another twink and another fuck. This night routine had been going on for a few weeks now, Louis occasionally meeting with some of the same guys, but usually just looking for new twinks to mess around with.

But these past few days had been tough for Louis. He kept getting stood up, and had to resort to watching movies by himself with no one to fuck. In fact, Louis hadn't had a proper release for a few days now. He was hoping tonight would be different, what with meeting this Zayn.

Zayn: Hey, don't think I can do tonight. Sorry bud. Cheers.

Louis: How come? Dude you can't just cancel last second

Zayn: Sorry, emergency situation. Maybe another time.

Louis stared down at his phone in disbelief. How was he supposed to get a backup so quickly? It was already late, and he didn't want to settle with just watching porn, so he flopped onto the bed and went onto his phone. He settled in for some Criminal Minds and decided he was going to have a binge night instead, until of course he got a call.

Louis rolled over onto his back and sat up, answering the call.

"Hullo?" He said, voice deep and gruff. Louis grunted and cleared his voice, before hearing a higher pitched "Hi Lou!"

"Hazz? Hey how are ya?" Louis asked, settling down and accustoming to the familiar voice.

"Good, oh shoot don't you have another tinder date over? I'm sorry I'll go-"

"No! Don't, I actually got uh stood up for the first time." Louis answered, running a hand through his hair at the reminder.

"Oh, I'm sorry. So you aren't busy?"

"No, just watching shows."

"Oh well I'm sorry about the tinder dates, you know you should really slow down with them you know."

"Yeah yeah it's whatever."

"So can I come over? Comfort you and give you some emotional support?" Harry asked, giggly now and all excited.

"Uh yeah sure I guess so."

"Perfect, see you in five. Bye!" And with that Harry hung up the phone. Louis sighed to himself and cleaned up the bed a bit, and got out better snacks and made some drinks for the two. At least he won't be completely alone tonight.

A knock came from the front door of Louis' apartment, and he walked over with the two drinks in hand. Louis placed them onto the coffee table, and walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it up. Harry pulled Louis into a tight embrace, and rubbed his hand along Louis' back.

"There there, it's okay." Harry said with a soothing voice, but Louis pulled away slightly, and looked at him with a strange face.

"Harry what are you talking about? I'm fine, it's not like I got broken up with. I never even met the guy before." Louis said, making his way over to the couch and sitting down. Harry followed behind and let out a sigh.

"Good that you aren't upset, because I'm more in the mood to relax anyways." Harry said, picking up his drink and snatching the TV remote from Louis.

"I'm picking." Harry whined, picking a comedy and putting the remote down onto the table.

"You're such a brat." Louis said with a laugh, taking a sip of his drink and resting his hands behind his head. Harry stuck his tongue out and chewed on his straw, the movie starting with the loud Universal Studios intro.

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