When Kronos awakes Ch. 1

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PS: This is my first story. Please don't critisize (I think I spelled that right). Just tell me where to improve. Thanks!

PSS: This came to me in a dream. Except with diffrent names for the characters.

Chapter 1



Why me?

Hi, I'm Bill. Well my real name is William but Bill is cooler. Bill Dosreis. Well I go to middle school, but its really boring. Well until today that is.

(Middle of Math class)

*knock knock knock*

The teacher awnsered the door and it turned out to be the principal with some girls that are in a diffrent class than me. The principal, Mr. Gunnett, asked for me and my best friend, Matt. I started getting kind of nervous. I've never gotten into trouble before... What if he suspended or expelled me? How could I tell my parents?

The principal took us to the entrance to the school gymnasium. I started thinking we were gonna be allowed to join in the game of dodgeball or something. But he made us turn to the left and that made us face the door to the basement. Now I was really worried. Everyone knows the old school turned out to be built right overtop of a huge sinkhole, and for some reason they built the new school right over top of the old one. See thats not whats scary. Its that the basement is pretty much one really really really really long hallway. With a dead end at the far end. But the bad thing is that the wall is connected to the old school. In fact some of the basement of the new school is actually part of the 5th floor of the old school. No one knows whats in that old school. I don't want to find out.

"Ok kids, you are going to spend one night down there as a result of not paying attention in class." said the principal. I looked around. some of the girls looked like they were going to cry. That wouldn't be good. The principal handed us some supplies. Namely some food, water, flashlights, 2 pocket knives just in case, and lots of batteries. Oh and some sleeping bads and pillows and blankets. He gave me a key ring with about 3 keys on it. I stuffed it into my back pocket. "Thoose keys are for access to the rafters, washrooms, and the last ones are for you to figure out." the principal explained. "How will we tell when its time to come back up?" I questioned. "You will know...." the principal replyed with a half sinister grin. "You will be the leader." he said, pointing at me. "Now. Enter. And also.. be very careful. Oh and one more thing. If you are smart you would always have one gaurd while the others are sleeping." the principal said, the sinister grin still pasted across his face.

"Well, lets go." I sais, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice.


Please remember to..




Is it a good first part? Comment your awnsers. If its good, what could I make happen in the next part? Also I need you guys to give me some names for the girls. I already have one. I need 5-9 more. If its bad in your opinion what could I do to improve the next part?

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