When Kronos Awakes Ch. 3

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Chapter 3

The Horde


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" one of the girls shreiked. "C'mon!"I said to Matt. We ran back to find that the invasion had started. And we were in the middle of an outbreak. A zombie outbreak.

Some how I managed to throw both pocket knives and kill 2 zombies. We decided to wait out the night. So we took turns sleeping. I was first gaurd but luckily for me Matt decided to stay up with me.


*Meanwhile upstairs*

(Principal's Pov.)

"Hmmmmmm.. Where did I put thoose last few unfinished report cards......?"I mumbled to my self. "Maybe in my office" I added. I went to check. When I opened the door they were on my laptop. I don't remembersettingthem there, I thought to myself. Next thing I knew all the lights went out.


*Back downstairs*


We saw the principal's body fall down the stairs into the basement and covered our eyes as his body was messily devoured.Two girls fainted. (Note: first time i wrote that i accedently put '2 girls farted.' XD)

The zombies saw us now and were close enough for us to see them clearly. They were cannibals. Who knew. Unfortunatley there lookede to be about 10000, and about 5 more came from a hole in the wall every 2 seconds. I'll let you do the math.

In short, we are screwed. Unless we find weaponry.


Whaddya think?





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2011 ⏰

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