When Kronos awakes Ch.2

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Don't forget to.....





The Basement


Once we entered the basement I realized we wouldn't need the flashlights 'till later because there were lights. But I was smart enough to know that the school shuts the breakers off at night to save power. So the lights would be practicly forced off. We decided to stay on the rafters, because in theroy if there was anything down here, It would have problems getting onto the rafters.

Some of the girls grouped together and ignored us completly. Others stared at us as if it was our fault they were down here. The remaining few tried to make conversation among us. Matt fell asleep, yet it was only 4:00 PM. I decided I would put my head down for a while aswell. Before I knew it I was asleep.

"WAKE UP!!!" I heard someone yell. "Wha-wha-w-what?!?" I asked. "There are people down here....." she said with a shiver. "Whats your name and where?"I asked, alert and ready. She started leading me across the rafters. I picked up a random telescope and looked. "Dammit!!" I yelled. "Oh yeah, and my name is Kathryne." she said. We ran back and started waking the others. I privatly told Matt that we were about to probably be invaded by zombies. I told him what they looked like and how they shuffled across the ground and all that.

We decided to look around the rafters. We found one room with lots of wood so ve decided to make some abatises by using the poket knives to sharpen the wood to a point. After that we found a room with a code lock. We tried about 20 diffrent combonatins but none worked. We managed to find a digital clock. Turns out it was already 8:00 PM. Wait 8 o'clock? Don't all zombies attack at night in the movies?


I was right....


How was that!?





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