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"Brady it's not what you think it is!" I tell him. He rolls his eyes and gives me a death stare, "Then what was it? It's obvious you two were about to". I interrupt him, "We weren't going to have you-know-what. He was asking me a question.".

Brady scoffs, "Yeah a "question" sure. Looks like you got what you wanted.".

I wanted to die at that moment Ty looked at me confused and I looked at the ground.

"Ty cut the confused look. You were about to fuck my sister. DON'T FUCKING LIE!".

"Bro I wasn't I fucking swear. I was asking why you were fighting." Ty says annoyed.

"The reason why? That's because I don't want you around my sister. The reason why you almost never talk is because I prohibited it. I'm not losing two people I care about because of some breakup." Brady says crossing his arms, "Now leave I don't want to see you.".

Ty leaves my room annoyed. He gets his stuff and I watch him leave from my window.

I then see him come to my window. He knocks on it and I let him in. He smiles and climbs in. I close the window and lock my door. "Let's continue what we were talking about.".

He sits on my bed again. "What were you two talking about?".

I look to my side and sigh, "Brady told me I'm not allowed to interact with you because I might catch feelings for you. He doesn't want to lose both of us.".

Ty sighs, "Makes sense. Listen, Ellie.". I look at him and take a deep breath. "I like you. I like you a lot. I get if you".

I interrupt what he was saying and pressed my lips onto his . I couldn't control myself. He kisses back. We were making out. I was making out with the guy of my dreams.

"So do you want to be together Ellie. Secretly, of course your brother would freak out.".

I looked at him and smiled, "Let's do this Ty." I say confidently.

He smirks, "You sure? I have a lot in store for us.".

I placed my lips on his again and I knew this was what I wanted all along. I didn't care if my brother didn't "allow it" I liked Ty. I just didn't want to tell him now.

Ty left my room after talking. I felt amazing and was glowing. We agreed on a few things;

I couldn't tell Maggie until we both felt ready to expose our relationship.

We could only kiss and be romantic at our houses.

We would expose our relationship before prom.

That's all we agreed about for now. We were texting all night long. He texted me good night and he said he'd meet up with me at his house at 6pm tomorrow.

I was so excited to see Ty tomorrow. I couldn't wait. I wanted kiss him again. I missed his soft lips crashing into mine.

Finally 6pm rolled around. I didn't know what to wear, so I wore a sweatshirt with jean shorts. I was finally at his house. I rang the door bell. He opened the door and we kissed. We both couldn't control ourselves.

"I got Panda Express I know it's your favorite." He told me while we were hugging.

I was shocked, "How'd you know?".

He smiled, "Brady told me you were obsessed with it once and I remembered."

He's a keeper

We were on the couch eating and arguing on what to watch. I wanted to watch a chick flick and he protested. He eventually gave in and we were watching Clueless. I could tell he wasn't enjoying it, but I loved the fact he was watching it because of me.

He's definitely a keeper

We were cuddling when Brady called me, "Where are you? Your location is off.". I shushed Ty. "Um. I'm at Chick-fil-A with Maggie." I said unsurely. "Mom And Dad wants you to come back.". Brady hangs up and I kiss Ty, "Sorry. See you soon?" I ask. He holds my hands, "bye.".

The drive home was tiring. I wanted to see Ty again but I couldn't. I stopped to get Chick-fil-A so Brady wouldn't be suspicious.

When I arrived home my mom and dad sat me down next to Brady, Brady looked upset. Oh shit they're finally getting a divorce. Most kids would be sad about it but I was happy. "

We're getting a divorce." My dad tells me. I nod my head acting like I had no clue they would divorce.

"Your Dad is leaving tonight so say goodbye.". I hug my Dad and run up my stairs.

Even though I expected it, I still was sad. My dad was leaving tonight and I didn't even know where he was going to.

I called Ty and he said he was coming this way already because Brady wanted to see him. He snuck into my window and he hugged me and kissed me. He told me it was going to be alright. He then went into the hallway to see Brady.

I fell asleep and woke up to Ty next to me. I can't believe I was in the same bed with Ty. He woke up and smiled, "You looked sad so I wanted to give you comfort.". I smiled weakly and realized I was wearing only underwear and a bra. He saw me in THIS?

"You look amazing, by the way...". He tells me. I blush


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I wrote a new book called basically all of my crushes I'd love it if you would checked it out :)

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