Chapter 1: Wait, what?

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Finn Pov. - age 8
After that girl in the woods mentioned Mr. Skywalker's name I ran back to our camp to tell everyone. When I finally made it there, Rey looked at me with concern.

Rey - age 8: "What's wrong Finn? Are there Grimm nearby?!?"

Luke: "No, I feel another with the force. A strong one at that."

I finally catch my breath a stand up straight.

Finn: "There were a boy and girl in the forest, the girl sent the boy this way and told him to look for you Mr. Skywalker."

He looks down in thought before nodding his head and walking in the direction of the boy.

Luke: "All of you stay here, I'll speak to him."

We all agreed with him and started talking about the boy and who he might be.

(Y/N) Pov.
I look around and take in my surroundings while walking. When I was with my 'family' they never let me experience the outside world other than through class before they picked me up and brought me back home to beat me in private.

I closed my eyes and let all of my negative thoughts disappear. When I did I felt the nature around me, the wild life, the cold, and I felt safe. However that feeling quickly vanished as I felt something else, something... Evil. My eyes quickly shot open and before me stood a Beowulf.

(Y/N): "Oh fu-"

Before I could finish my sentence the Grimm charged at me. I instinctually jump over it's swipe but as I'm in the air it hits me with it's other claw. I roll across the ground and slam into a tree, effectively knocking the wind out of me. I look up to the Grimm and see it walking towards me, ready to finish me off. I get up to run but the pain causes me to collapse again.

(Y/N): "Someone... Please help me..."

I close my eyes and wait for my death.

Third Pov.
As the Beowulf approached (Y/N), it failed to notice the lightsaber heading towards its head. When it did notice it was to late and the Grimm's head was cut off.

A man emerges from the shadows, who is this man? None other than who our young protagonist was looking for, Luke Skywalker.

Luke: "...Hey kid, you gonna get up?"

(Y/N) Pov.
I'm still waiting for the Beowulf to strike but  I get startled by a man's voice.

???: "...Hey kid, you gonna get up?"

I open my eyes and looked towards the voice.

(Y/N): "W-what happened?"

???: "You asked for help, so I helped."

I look over to where the Beowulf was and see it's disintegrating body. I shakily get up and face that man that saved me.

(Y/N): "Thank you Mr... Umm-"

???: "Skywalker."

(Y/N): "Well thank you for saving me Mr. Skywalker. Do you know a man named Luke? I'm looking for him."

Luke: "Well of course I do, I am him. But now I have a question for you, why are you searching for me?"

I look down in thought. I really don't know why I am searching for him. Syna just told me that I needed to head this way and look for him.

(Y/N): "To be entirely honest I don't know sir. My friend told me to find you but she didn't tell me why."

He looked puzzled for a moment before walking away from me, confused I follow him. As we walk I look at him a little more closely. He was wearing light brown and white robes held together by a brown leather belt and silver buckle. To top it off he has a greyish drown cloak resting on his shoulders. But after taking a closer look I notice that he is missing a hand which is being replaced by a robotic one.

The Grey Jedi (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora