Chapter 2: "Just use the force"

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Third Pov.

Finn: "C'mon (Y/N). Just use the force."

Finn throws a pebble at (Y/N) who is seen blind folded. It smacks into his forehead as he gets increasingly frustrated.

(Y/N): "It's not that easy Finn! I can't see the rocks so I have to rely on guessing where your aiming."

Another pebble hits (Y/N) in the shoulder.

Finn: *sigh*"Mister Skywalker already told you to let the force guide you. Clear your mind and use the force to either dodge or deflect the pebbles."

(Y/N) stops and takes a deep breath, holds it, and breaths out, calming himself. He leans down slightly, putting one foot out and steadies himself. Taking this as a signal to continue throwing pebbles, Finn whips one at (Y/N)'s face like he was previously doing. However unlike the previously, (Y/N) crouches down to avoid the pebble. Smiling, Finn throws another and (Y/N) dodges once again.

Finn: "Now you're getting it!"

As the two continue there training Luke is seen watching from afar, with a smile on his face.


The hum of a lightsaber is heard as (Y/N) holds the training blade close to himself, blindfolded once again. However this time a red lazer beam is fired from a small ball floating in the air, (Y/N) quickly and precisely moves the lightsaber and blocked the shot. This repeats several times before Luke grabs the small Droid and deactivated it.

Luke: "Good work, your learning fast."

(Y/N) removed the cloth from his eyes and looks at his master, sheathing the lightsaber.

(Y/N): "Master Skywalker? Why am I learning how to fight using a lightsaber, it's not like we'll be fighting any sith. They were all wiped out, right?"

Luke sets the Droid on a table nearby and turns to the young boy with a chuckle.

Luke: "That's where you're wrong, twice. First of all, you are learning and practicing the first form of lightsaber combat Shii-Cho which is meant for combating non lightsaber weapons. For your second mistake, unfortunately I believe that there is another training younglings in the way of the force, however they are doing so with the dark side. It is very possible that you will meet others attuned with the force and have to defend yourself, after you have proved to effectively use Shii-Cho we will work on Makashi which focuses on the dueling aspect of lightsaber combat."

(Y/N) smiles at the thought of having his own lightsaber and possibly having great battles with strong foes. Luke smiles seeing the boy's joy and prepares for their next subject.

(Timeskip - (Y/N)'s age is 15)

Thought the years (Y/N) has been practicing the different lightsaber forms, working on Shii-Cho for the average weapons, Soresu for defending against ranged attacks, and Ataru to use his speed and agility to his advantage. Along side that he has been experimenting with the force and has learned to use it to enhance his physical feats to even freezing blaster shots. As of now he is on a break from training.

(Y/N) sits on a rock, meditating. He clears his mind as he has done many times before however something is different, he feels as if he is being called. the tree...forbidden by Jedi...

His eyes shoot open as he collapses on the ground in front of the rock, his energy seemingly drained by a unknown force. He doesn't know how but he suddenly knows of a tree deep in the forest which is infested with the dark side of the force. He instinctually walks towards the tree as Luke watching from the distance.

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