My Love (1)

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This is 2nd Book of the "My Soldier." It had a mistakes, I'm sorry.Please ignore it, I hope all of you enjoy this story.


Third Person's Pov

"Kim Taehyung! Wake up you had photoshoot for today." Someone knocking at the door of the sleeping boy.

"Jin hyung! I'm still sleepy." The boy named taehyung whining.

"If you not stand up i will opened this door and throw a water in your face." Jin treat taehyung make him stand up and run to the bathroom to prepared his self.

"I think he already doing his routine." Jin whisper at himself then smiled.

Meanwhile taehyung is doing his morning routine fastly because he don't want to get scold to his scary manager.

"I'm finished." He said then sigh.

He opened the slowly looking around if his manager is outside but lucky there's no one.

"I think he is in the living room?" Taehyung said to his self then i start walking to went to the downstairs.

"Finally! You are arrived." Someone yelled when taehyung already in downstairs.

"Jin hyung! I'm sorry." He apologized quickly.

"Yah! You know that i been waiting you? It's already one hour." Jin said to taehyung, Make him feel bad.

"Jin hyung! It's okay." Jimin said make his bestie not feel bad.

"Okay! Let's go?" Jin said then the two boys just nod.

At the car.

"So? Chim? How's you and sergeant yoongi?" Taehyung asked to his bestie in his side then jimin was blushing when he heard yoongi's name.

"We are okay but i get the news that there have a new soldiers and they are girls." Jimin said then pout because of jealousy.

"What? Jungkook did not tell to me?" Taehyung said with his shock face.

"Oh? Guyz? You want to go to your boyfriend after your photoshoot?" Jin asked then the two model smiled they nod quickly.

"Thanks jin hyung! You are so kind." Tae said then give his beautiful boxy smiled.

After a hour of there Photoshoot, They finished quickly because tae and chim pose a beautiful figure.

"I can't wait to see my boyfriend." Jimin said while they going to there car.

They are still have bodyguards around to then because of tae.

"Let's go!" Jin said, Then they jump to the car.

After a minute of there driving they arrived to the head quarters of there boyfriend. The two model run inside of the quarters and all the soldier that they will meet they give a vow as a respect, The two models is already know because they always visit the quarters.



The two model shout loudly to there boyfriend make them turn around.



The two soldier shout back to there lovers and you will see there poker face changed to the Inoccent smile because of there boyfriend.

"I miss you tae " The captain said to the model after he come closer and grab the waist of taehyung possessively.

"Why are you where? That crop top again? Did i tell you not wear that here?" Jungkook scold to his boyfriend then tae just giggles because he have a boyfriend protective.

In the Jimin and Yoongi view.

"Mochi! Can you stop wear a clothes like that?" Yoongi said with his annoyed face after seeing his boyfriend clothes.

"I'm sorry, I did not changes because i want to see you quickly." Jimin said then pout but yoongi just kiss his pouting mouth. Then the model just giggles.

"I miss you mochi." The sergeant said then hug his mochi tightly.

All the soldier around them was just look there captain and sergeant was so soft to there lovers but if with there training ground the two is look like evil, How they make there soldier suffer.

I hope you guyz enjoyed the book two! And also ignore the mistakes. Hope you guyz understand me.

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