(R18) Imagine...

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Hey there! You probably want to dive right in but before you do, please note that none of the work in here is revised. This is the raw, unedited version of each piece and shall remain so simply because it helps me keep track of my growth as a writer.

Don't forget to click the star and turn it orange and drop a comment at the end (or anywhere in between). Enjoy.


Imagine waking up naked from a deep sleep, body partly draped in soft silk sheets. The suns rays pouring into the room, painting it golden. There's music playing, but you don't know from where, the sound is so equally distributed you can't pick up where its source is, but you don't care cause the melodious blend of instruments does everything but bother you. Your eyes focus on the tray by the bedside table, it's carefully stacked with thick joints, rolled to perfection with RAW paper. There's also a lighter, the metal ones that make that satisfying clicking sound and hold an infinite flame. The ends of your lips tuck upwards into a small smile because you're suddenly conscious of how perfect the moment you're in currently is.

As you drape a white silken gown over your body you become aware of the mild splashing made by the ocean and the heavy scent of salt, sweet fruits and succulent plants. You grab a joint and strut out into the balcony, it's situated right over the ocean and has the most breath-taking sunset currently taking place. The music is still playing and the sound of tropical birds adds on to the on going tune. There's a soft breeze that blows against your skin and gently wisps through the palm trees scattered along the white sand beach. The sky is a glorious mixture of colours, the palatte smoothly transitioning from warm to cool in a spectacular ombre of red, to orange, to pink, purple, navy and blue, there's a few clouds in the sky but they do little to interrupt the artistic placement of God's work, instead they add more to the already spectacular view with their golden outlines and soft pink glow.

This is the perfect time to light your joint, but you realise you forgot your lighter inside. Before you turn to get it, a hand stretches out in front of you, it belongs to a man. A naked man. And let's just say the view isn't so different from the one you were having before, just a little more fascinating. He has a lighter in his hand and he carefully places it under the joint between your lips and sparks a flame. Smoke bellows out from your mouth, signalling him to put the lighter way. You turn back around to watch the last of the sun's rays paint the ocean sky, your first puff already sending a light buzz signal to your brain. You inhale each puff carefully, watching the smoke disappear into the air; the smell is strong and rich, the feeling is undeniably heavenly and what you thought was perfection becomes something greater. You can feel your heart hammer in your chest as the weed takes over and after another joint, which you silently share with your naked partner, you're so faded your soul is vibrating in the vessel you call a body. Little do you know; this is just the beginning.

As you hit the peak of your high, the man comes up and wraps his arms around you, the heat from his body piercing through your flimsy silken robe. The warmth of his breath against your ear-spreading to your neck, sends a shiver down your spine. A wave of anticipation hits you because you expect him to say something, but he doesn't. He hasn't said a word since you saw him. But you're perfectly okay with that, in fact you prefer it. Instead, you let your bodies do the talking. He traces your jawline with his lips while he undoes the loose string keeping the robe together and it slowly slips off onto the wooden patio floor.

He hands you another joint and you take it with pleasure. The air is slightly colder, fresher, the sun is almost non-existent but there's enough light to enhance the already heated moment you're currently having. The music is suddenly louder and slower, like you're stuck in a H.E.R music video. Everything sight, smell and sensation is enhanced. So best believe when he grabs you by the hips and turns you around, then looks at your body like its God's greatest gift to mankind, it does something to your confidence.

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