Chapter 16

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I lean my head against the headrest of my car. Today has been a hellish day.  We had to attend to the funeral and stay through all that fake drama and tears. I had to fake regret, that wasn't hard because I really wanted to be the one to end his days. But at some point in the ceremony Gio started cracking up jokes at my back and if normally I wouldn't care too much for his humor, today he'd been a stand-up comedian. I'll get back at him for that.

I open my eyes to find Dante walk towards my car. He opens the door and hops inside. I drive another car tonight, since the black Mercedes is still bugged. I have quite a collection at home, and tonight I chose my newest addition, the Maserati Quattroporte. My house is a fortress, they can't get past the fence and this car hasn't left the garage in a long time, so it's a safe choice.

"You were drawing again." I nod my head at his hands.

The coal always sticks to his skin for days. He got it from our mother, the talent to draw. Another thing he was punished for while we were kids. He really liked staying inside and painting with our mother. But father had other plans. Any time he'd catch Dante draw anything he would make him burn them drawings, followed by a thorough beating. At some point mother stopped letting Dante near her when she drew. He had to learn the hard way to give up on the things he liked. Just like the rest of us.

The window goes down and he lights up a cigarette.

"Give me one," I say. He gives me the pack to take one myself.

The back of his fingers are covered in black ink. He tattooed something on them. It's too dark to see. It's fresh, he still has the tattoo covering on. His whole body is covered by tattoos, I'm sure one day he would get one on his dick as well. Maybe a bigger dick.

"What is this dinner about?" he puffs out a cloud of smoke.

"Fuck if I know." If he beat Rossana again and wants to humiliate her even more by showing her off to his friends and to us, I'll shoot his hands off. She was his mistress while mother was alive. I hated her in the beginning. She was the reason our mother cried herself to sleep most nights, but it was better than deal with our sadistic father. After her death, Rossana married him. She tried to befriend us, but we weren't interested. Shortly after the honeymoon phase was over, Gio told me he heard him beat her almost every night. Her place as a mistress was taken by another, and life continued its normal course.

"Has Gio found our cousin?"

"Nope, I'm tempted to think he killed his father, or maybe he's dead too." I shrug.

"Shouldn't we worry about his disappearance?"

"I don't care. I have enough on my plate, right now." I puff out the smoke.

I don't smoke usually. But it helps me calm down when I do. Normally I have other ways of relaxing, but none are possible now.

"Have you talked to her?"

My hand forms a first around the steering wheel. I'm not interested in talking about her. This is not a therapeutic late night car ride.

"No. I told you I'm done with her," I say scowling into the night, after a bit I glance to my right, "You can have her if you want. Only be careful, she's good at bewitching idiots."

He laughs.

"I'll be safe then." Dante grins as I flip him off.

I really don't want to give in to my sick mind and imagine them together. I normally liked sharing women with him, but the idea doesn't sound too appealing if she's involved.

The Medici Crime Family: LucaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang