Chatpter 2

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Jayden's POV:
I was walking down the halls with Annie, one of my besties, until I heard Mrs.Mathers call me to the office.
Annie: ooooo your in trouble!
Jayden: haha very funny. It's probably just that new kid I have to give a tour to
Annie: what!? You never told me this!
Jayden: I did tell you Anns, two days ago. You just don't listen
Annie: oh...sorry
Jayden: it's fine. Man, I wish I never signed up for this
Annie: your reputation is going straight down the drain
Jayden: eh I'll get myself back up
Annie: you better. If you don't then I can't be seen talking with you
Jayden: rude!
Annie: sorry but I can't have my reputation drown as well
Jayden: well I better get going because if I get there any later I could get detention
Annie: then you'd never get up from the fall
I chuckled slightly and started walking backwards.
Jayden: bye Anns
Annie: bye Jay
I turned around and made my way to the office. I walked in and I saw a boy who was sitting down across from Mrs.Mathers.
MrsMathers: ah Miss Bartels, please, take a seat.
I took a seat next to the boy and he glanced at me quickly then back at Mrs.Mathers
Mrs.Mathers: so Jayden this is Asher and Asher this is Jayden
I extended my hand towards him and he extended his shaking mine.
Jayden: I'm Jayden, but you already knew that
Asher: I'm Asher
We let go of our grip on each other's hands and focused our attention back in Mrs.Mathers
Mrs.Mathers: so today you will be giving Asher the tour correct?
Jayden: that's what I signed up for
Mrs.Mathers: well you kiddos better get going! The sooner the better!
Jayden: alrighty then! Let's get going Asher. Have a nice day Mrs.Mathers
Mrs.Mathers: you too Jayden
I sat up and so did Asher. He followed me to the door and we walked out. We started walking the halls as I was pointing at classrooms while explaining which class was taken in each room and what goes on in those classes. Once we made it to the Music room Armani, my boyfriend, came up to me wrapping an arm around me.
Armani: hey Jayden
Jayden: hey sorry I'm kinda busy, I'm giving a tour
Armani: oh...sup dude
Asher: hey
Armani: well I'll catch you later then?
Jayden: yeah. I'll cya later
Armani: alright
Armani planted a kiss on my cheek and walked off. I continued the tour and once we finished we had three minutes until the first bell.
Jayden: ok, listen kid. What you need to do is go to your locker, unpack all of your books other than your Chemistry book, and get to the Chemistry lab, ok?
Asher: um ok? But where's my locker?
I handed him a piece of paper with his locker number and combination
Jayden: Mrs.Mathers gave it to me to give to you.
Asher: thanks
Jayden: sure! Now if anyone asks, this whole thing never happened
Asher: what thing?
Jayden: this tour and especially us talking
Asher: why?
Jayden: I can't be seen talking with the new kid
Asher: oh you' it. Thanks
I flashed a smile and turned around skipping away to class. No one seemed to see the whole event take place. Better for my reputation. I'm not gonna argue.
Ashers POV:
I was right! I knew she'd be one of the three categories! She didn't seem to bad though. There's probably worse. I started walking to my locker and unloaded my backpack. I kept my chemistry book in my backpack and shut my locker. I started heading to the chemistry lab. I entered the classroom and I felt awkward tension between the rest of the class and I. I made my way to the back of the class thinking I'd get less looks and I was right. School wasn't like this in Pittsberry. No one got stares, everyone got along, and everyone was equal, but not here. The teacher started the lesson about a minute after I entered the classroom.
Mr.Peters: hello class so as many of you know I'm Mr.Peters, but we have a new classmate today
Great! Just my luck! This day just got 10 times worse.
Mr.Peters: his name is Asher Angel
Everyone looked back and looked at me. I looked down at my desk tapping my chemistry book with my fingers.
Mr.Peters: well I'm so excited to be your first class of the day Asher
I looked up at the teacher giving him a friendly smile even though I was dying inside.
Mr.Peters: so since we have a new student you guys know what that means...NEW LAB PARTNERS!
I jumped up because I wasn't expecting that. He screamed! What is going on here? This school is really strange so far.
Mr.Peters: so here are the partners: Dylan you'll be with Connor, Mackenzie you'll be with Johnny, Chase you'll be with Alex, Mason you're with Andrew, Armani you're with Hayden, James you'll be with Michelle, Jason you're with Mike, Miles you're with Matthew, Jayden you'll be with Lauren,  Madelyn you'll be with Carson, and Annie you're with Asher.
A girl who I assumed was Annie looked back at me as soon as Mr.Peters announced that I'm her partner. I gave her a friendly smile, but she just rolled her eyes and turned back around with her arms crossed. Yep! There are others worse than Jayden...and Annie's one of them.

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