Chapter 15

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Skip to the next day because I can 😂
Annie's POV:
Jayden, Lauren, Kenzie and I were all on our way to school together. Once we made it to school we saw the boys standing near the bike racks. There backs were facing us so we decided to scare them. We ran up behind them and screamed. They all jumped and mumbled curses under their breath. Lauren, Kenzie, Jayden and I started laughing, but my laugh started to fade as I saw that they were speaking with Asher. We made eye contact and tears started to form in my eyes. I immediately bolted into the school with tears rolling down my cheek. If I'm this bad just making eye contact I wonder how chemistry's gonna go.
Asher's POV:
I was speaking with Carson, Armani, and Johnny when Jayden, Annie, and two other girls I didn't know the names of scared them. They all jumped up and I made eye contact with Annie. Tears started to form in her eyes and she ran away.
Asher: I'm gonna go after her
Johnny: aight man
Armani: good luck
Carson: I trust you dude
I started running after Annie and I got lost in the halls. I didn't realize how empty the halls are before school hours. Considering that no one else was in the halls it was easy for me to hear Annie sobbing. I started walking towards the cries and eventually found her. I went up to her and sat down next to her. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. She lifted her head up from in between her knees and connected her eyes with mine.
Annie: what do you want?
Asher: I wanna talk
Annie: about what? You already told me how you feel, you already told me that all I care for is my popularity, you already explained to me how shallow I am. What else could you possibly wanna talk about?
Asher: I wanted to apologize
Annie: like I'm gonna forgive you after what you said. You had no right to say I favor my reputation over my OWN family!
Asher: I know, I was acting like such an idiot. I was really mad, but I shouldn't have taken it that far. I wanted to spend more time with you, but the fact that you kept leaving me for your "reputation" got on my nerves. I just wanted to get to know you better and I got pushed away, but that's nothing compared to what I did to you
As I spoke Annie's eyes filled with more tears as she gave me a sympathetic look.
Annie: No, I'm sorry Asher, I'm at fault here much more than you. I didn't mean to make you feel that way, it wasn't my intention. I was worried you'd feel that way but I was being selfless at the moment and I couldn't see that. I'm the one who started this whole train reck. I'm the one who pushed you away in the first place. I should have never done that, I'm the sorry one here
Asher: no Annie, pushing me away is nothing like what I did. I hurt you. I don't know what your family life is like and I should have never assumed the way you feel about them, I'm the one that should be sorry
Annie: should we just agree to disagree?
Asher: I mean it depends
Annie: what do you mean it depends?
Asher: if I agree to disagree, will you forgive me?
Annie: only if you forgive me
I extended my hand towards her and she gripped my hand shaking it firmly. We got lost in each other's eyes and she eventually released her grip and lowered her hand. I did the same, but we stayed lost in each other's eyes and we just sat there, in silence, not saying a word...until Annie spoke out
Annie: Asher?
Asher: yeah?
Annie: can we pretend like this never happened?
Asher: like what never happened?
Annie: the situa-ohhhhhhh, I get it!
Annie spoke while dragging out the "h" in "oh" just like Jack would. Not gonna lie their personalities seem to be similar, not really but I think they'd be good friends, minus the popular thing.
Asher: so do you want a fresh new start?
Annie nodded her head and smiled at me while extending her hand towards me
Annie: I'm Annie, Annie Leblanc
Asher: and I'm Asher, Asher Angel
Annie: that's a really cute name
Annie spoke making me blush. she noticed what she did and giggled to herself slightly.
Annie: I think we should hang out some time, Angel
Asher: sure
My rosy cheeks had faded back to their original color as I continued to speak
Asher: how about we head over to my place after school?
Annie nodded her head as an excited smile formed on my face
Annie: I'd love that

Uwu I love them💗🥺. This chapter also makes Annie seem bi polar a bit because she went from being mad at Asher to being sympathetic towards what she did to him but the only reason of that is because she was being shallow a didn't think much of it and until he actually told her how he felt. I know that she said she regretted what she did and that pushing him away was bad in previous chapters but she just brushed it off and went in with her day without doing anything. So that's why. I thought it was self explanatory but it might not be idk 😐. This stories a mess but what can you do about it, I'll try to make the next one more organized

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