Chapter 3

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Annie's POV:
Mr.Peters: I already have your assignments ready for you! How fun is that?
Not at all. Is what I would say if it didn't give me detention and get me grounded.
Mr.Peters: so I would like you guys to sit with your partners and get to know each other before we start anything.
I let out a sigh and Hayden, my boyfriend, saw how annoyed I was.
Hayden: Anns don't worry. He can't be that bad
Annie: but my reputation is gonna flush right down the toilet.
Hayden: it's ok...I'll still love you
A small smile formed upon my face. I kissed Hayden on the cheek and sat up.
Annie: I'll see you after class, I've gotta get to know this kid
Hayden: ok have fun
Annie: I will...not
Hayden laughed, but I didn't. He soon noticed I didn't think it was funny and stopped laughing. I turned towards Ashers direction and started walking over to his lab table. I pulled out the seat next to him and pushed myself in. He looked up from fiddling with his fingers and he made eyes contact.
Asher: hey...
Annie: hi...
Asher: I'm Asher...
Annie: I'm Annie...
Asher: so...
Annie: so...
Why is this so awkward? Normally I'm never this awkward. I'm never awkward in general. Wanna know something else that's odd? Usually when I talk to someone unpopular they freak out, but Asher's not? Why? How? Who is this kid?
Annie: tell me about yourself
Asher: sorry?
Annie: tell me a little bit about yourself
Asher: ok? Well I have two younger siblings, Avi and London and we used to live in Pittsberry
Annie: I actually have family over there
Asher: you do?
Annie: yeah. I don't ever remember visiting them though, they always come over here.
Asher: tell me a little about yourself
Annie: well...I have a younger sister, Hayley and I um-never mind
Asher: no go can say it
Annie: no,'s nothing important
Asher: ok...anything else
Annie: well I've lived in Millerstown my whole life
Asher: interesting
Annie: not really
Asher: yeah...I just said that to be nice
A small smile crept upon my face and the same thing happened to Asher. Why am I like this? I shouldn't even be talking to this kid.
Annie: so what are you doing here?
Asher: what do you mean
Annie: why did you move?
Asher: parents thought it'd be a good move for us. My mom and dad said that it's a 'better environment' for us
Annie: I mean they're not really wrong though
Asher: they aren't?
Annie: not at all. This place is great
Asher: I thought my parents were lying
Annie: nope. All you have to do is give it time, then you'll realize how much you love it here
Asher: noted
Annie: so...any other interesting facts about yourself?
Asher: not really...I mean I do have a really close friend back in Pittsberry
Annie: that's all?
Asher: pretty much. I'm not really an interesting person. What about you?
Annie: life's not to exciting
Asher: ok I haven't even been in this school for a full hour yet and I know that's false
Annie: how do you know that?
Asher: it's so clear that your one of the popular kids.
Annie: oh...yeah. It's not all that
Asher: really? I'd think the opposite because even the seniors look up to you guys.
Annie: how do you know all of this?
Asher: I can learn a lot in about 30 minutes
Annie: I can see. In reality though, when your popular there is so much pressure on you. It can be fun though and it has its perks. What would you do if you were popular?
Asher: nothing really. I don't wanna be popular. Like you said, it seems like a lot of work and I'd rather focus on school work than on how people look at me
Right before I could respond Mr.Peters started talking and we focused our attention on him.
Mr.Peters: alrighty class. So the first assignment for this next half of the year will be really simple. You and your partner will be making elephant toothpaste. So start discussing your plans!
Asher and I looked back at each other
Asher: is he always this perky?
Annie: yeah
Asher: good to know
Annie: your gonna need to get used to his screams
We both let out small laughs
Asher: yeah. How long did it take you?
Annie: I literally just got used to it like last week
Asher: great! So I'll never get used to it
Annie: well you might, I just get scared easily so that's why it took so long
Asher laughed slightly and I gave him a confused look.
Annie: what?
Asher: that's really good to know
Annie: oh so what your gonna scare me now?
Asher: yeah...BOO!
Annie: haha very funny
I playfully rolled my eyes and Asher started laughing
Annie: your acting exactly like Hayden right now
Asher: who's Hayden?
Asher stopped laughing and I pointed to Hayden who was talking with Armani
Asher: so he's one of the popular kids I'm assuming?
Annie: yep! There's 8 of us to exact.
Asher: wow! That's-wow
Annie: quite a bit of us, I know. There's Jayden, Kenzie, and Lauren who are my BFFFE's that I'd do anything for.
Asher: wait, BFFFE's?
Annie: yeah, Best Friends For Flippin Ever
Asher giggled and it soon turned into laughter. I playfully pushed him. He pushed my hands away from him and I eventually gave up and crossed my arms.
Annie: we were 10 ok!
Asher stopped laughing and sat up straight.
Asher: ok I'm sorry continue
Annie: thank you! So Hayden is my boyfriend, Armani is Jayden's boyfriend, Johnny and Kenzie like each other but won't admit it and it's the same way with Lauren and Carson
Asher: wow! So no ones single in that group?
Annie: no not really
Asher: huh...what are the odds of that
Annie: right! So what about you?
Asher: what do you mean?
Annie: you and your friend in Pittsberry...what was it like
Asher: oh well, we're really close. We never kept anything from each other. I had other friends in Pittsberry, but he was like a brother to me
Annie: what's his name?
Asher: Jack, Jack Dylan Grazer
Annie: wow! Middle name and everything! You guys must be close
Asher: yeah. I miss him though
Annie: ...don't'll see him soon
Asher: yeah your right. Anyways enough of this and let's start this project
Annie: yeah...yeah let's start
What is happening?

Idk how to feel about this chapter

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