Chapter 4: Granny

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Otto could hear the morning birds singing as the creatures, Bill and Bob, began their return trek. The rhythmic swaying from hanging over Bob’s shoulder began to lull Otto to sleep. His anxiety had been replaced by a foreboding doom that he was helpless to resist. But he also discovered a small hole in the bag. For the most part, all he saw was the ground below him, but it was a relief to see anything at all.

“Does we have to take the long way around,” said someone, apparently Bill.

“Of course we do,” said Bob, right by Otto’s ear. “You know what happens to folks what goes through the fairy’s forest.”

“Maybe that’s just hearsay,” said “Bill”.

“Well, I hear say that folks goes in, don’t come out,” said Bob.

“Who you talking to?” said Bill, not breaking step.

“Why you!” said Bob. “Goin’ through the fairy forest is foolishness, I don’t care how much time it’d save.”

“Yeah, so. We just gonna have to walk all day in this sunlight,” said Bill.

“But the shade of that forest would sure help,” said someone.

Bob stopped. “It wouldn’t help if we was dead!” he said looking at Bill.

“Yeah. I know. What’s wrong with you? I think the daylight is getting to you,” said Bill.

Bob mumbled and began walking again. “Daylights getting to someone,” he mumbled, “ but it ain’t me.”

They walked on a bit before someone spoke up again. “But don’t fairies sleep during the day, like all civilized folk?”

“I dunno,” said Bob. “Probably.”

“Then we could take a shortcut here and be out before they was awake. We’d save half a day at least and no harm done.”

Bob stopped and looked at Bill. “Are you proposing we cut through the fairy forest just to save us a few hours of daylight?!”

“I ain’t proposing nothing,” said Bill. “But I do think the sunlight is getting to you Bob. Maybe we should just rest in the trees here for a bit, see if you feel any better.”

Both creatures stood still for a few moments, then Otto felt them leave the trail and sit down. Otto was laid down on the ground. He was afraid to move so he didn’t, but from his new position, he could just see both Bob and Bill.

“There, don’t that feel better.”

“Of course it does!” said Bob.

“Well don’t snap at me!” said Bill.

“The forest is thick and dense. Very little light gets through all those trees.”

Otto could see both Bob and Bill look into the forest.

“It’s dangerous in there,” said Bob.

“Nobody comes back out,” said Bill.

“The fairies are sleeping,” said someone.

“It’d save us a good half day,” said Bob.

“And the light would be so much less,” said Bill.

Otto could see the creatures look at each other and then look again into the forest.

They both stood up. Bob picked up Otto and slung him over his shoulder. The creatures began to walk into the forest.

Otto was immediately scared. Father had warned him about the fairy forest and had made great effort to point out the markers that ringed the fairy forest. The fairies had a low tolerance for trespassing.

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