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Walking out the building I looked up with relief, thanking the silent God above for not having a STD

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Walking out the building I looked up with relief, thanking the silent God above for not having a STD. Getting a check up is what I've been doing since I found out Donté is cheating a couole years ago, I started losing trust in him sver since. Me and boss, we really haven't had sex but once. The other times, I couldn't do it. I could be pissed at Donté one day and I'll say fuck it. But deep down, I know I can't  cheat on him , literally and emotionally. There's something or someone that interfere it for happening.

My mood changed as I thought about today. Its been a week since I left the house, and I know Aaliyah is thinking I'm neglectiing her,but I'm not. I love her like she's my own, since Shauna disappeared off the face of earth I couldn't let her not have a mother figure. I'm a little femmene, and with Amiyah help it became like my job. I don't regret it. Feeling my phone vibrate, I looked to see Aaliyah school callling, I answered with worry in my voice

"Hello?"hearing the office in the background and other children or teachers having conversations I guess either going home

"Pa, can you get me from school, I'm  not feeling well and Dad isn't answering phone neither is Auntie. I'm  really not feeling well." feeling confused, thats a first. Donté would answwr the phone in a heartbeat fpr Aaliyah.

"Okay, I'm coming. Xavier with you?"hearing her sneeze for aboiy 10th time, I got into my car while putting the phone on Bluetooth to be on the phone with her.

"Yes, he said he didn't want to stay because he don't want to stay here by himself"chuckling I let her know I'm on my way hanging up. I dialed Donté phone, but no answer. I called a few more tines but still no answer. Shaking my head, I pulled up to Aaliyah school to see her amd Xavier come to the car amd get in, with ber in the front and him in the back. I can she don't feel well.

"Want to go to grandma house to see she can make you her famous chicken soup?" seeing her smile, she nodded her head while looking at the signs as we pass by.

"Pa, why haven't you been home? I miss you, amd dad miss you too. You want us anymore?" hearing her, broke my heart evem more. Do I regret having sex with my boss? Yes. At the time, I was petty. I never really think about anything else but get drunk and fuck.

"I love you angel, don't ever I don't love or care for you, same goes for you Xavier. I have just been not in the right mind. I'm sorry I made you feel that I don't care for you. I'm coming home today after we come from grandma house, she been want to see you both." smiling I parked in front of my mothers house, getting out while both got out and walked to front, walking inside. Walking to living room, I seen my mom cooking some of her famour chicken noodle soup. She makes everything from scratch, including the noodles.

"Aaliyah and Xavier you both ho dit in the livibg and do your homework, and afterwards, Aaliyah, get you some rest until the soup is finish." tapping my mothers shoulder, she turned around hugging me.

"Have you thought about it? Telling Donté the truth?" nodding my head, she kissed my cheek. When I first cheated on Donté, I came to my mom the next day and explained. I remember because she slapped the shit out of me. I slept with my boss one time 4 months ago, and ever since he tries again over and over.

"Its been half a year, I can't hold it in anymore. He doesn't deserve this mom. I don't know how this go turn out,but if it comes up to it, I'll  do what I have to do, I'll do it." seeing my mom nod head in understanding, she fixed two bowls of spups for Aaliyah and Xavier, putting it on the table and seeing them get up to start eat. I walked off to the bavk porch calling my Donté phone again. With no amswer, I left a voicemail.

"I know you don't want to hear from me, but I'm coming home today to talk to you about js and where we go from there. I know we are emgaged, and I still want to marry you. I want to sit down face to face about things and see if we can work it out. I love you"hanging up the phone, I wiped the tear off my face. I scroll on my phone, and called my boss.

"Hel-"interrupting him from calling me baby, boo, or whatever. I can't do this anymore even If I wanted to.

"No more calling me boo. We are worker and boss. I can't do it anymore. Everything you gave me, I'll give it back, even the apartment. At the end of the day, I love Donté. I should have never had sex with you. I'm hurting my family and my future."hearing him sigh and grunt, I guess he was getting up.

"I understand Adonis. And you keeo those gifts and the apartment, you bever know you'll need it. I don't regret anything, but we can be professional at work, but if you need anything, let me know." nodding my head, we talked a few more hours, seeing it was almost dark, I went and gathered everyone, leaving to the house.

Parking in the driveway, I see Xavier and Aaliyah look sleepy, so I shook them a littleto let them know we are here. Gettin out the car, we wlaked to the front door, but I look amd seen shadows which was stramge because Donté is at work and Amiyab works at the hospital as a nurse. Walking in the house I seen my bestfriend and my fiance....naked...froze in place where they was having sex. I felt Aaliyah come up with Xavier

"Whats going on P..."stopping mid sentence she looked at the scene just as I. Xavier didnt say a word but I know he sees this also.

"What the fuck is this?!?!?!"

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