Chapter 6 -A Mission (Part 1)

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Taylah's P.O.V.

Adrianna, Mikayla, Livvy and I were all sitting on my bed trying to think of a way to get our postmortem results back from the hospital. You see, when we asked about them the other day, they told us that they'd already sent them back to us two weeks ago and that it was their only copy. LIARS!!!! I don't believe them for a second! I think someone had blackmailed them into saying that and I think I have a very strong idea of who....


"Ok guys, I think I have a plan!" I say, quite proud of myself.

"Ok, I'm listening," says Adrianna.

"Right, so you know how they said they'd already sent out a copy of the results?" I ask. They all nod. "I know they said that it was their only copy, but there's bound to be another. There's no way that the doctors would be stupid enough to not keep a record of their post-mortems!"

"Yeah, and?" Asks Olivia thinking I'm pathetic with my plan.

"Aaand," I begin "I say, we sneak into the hospital, go up to the room where they store the bodies and results and try to find Naomi's body while another one of us looks for her results."

"Are you CRAZY?!?!" Yells Mikayla "One, how will we even get up there? And two, if we do eventually get up there how on earth will we get in there with out anyone seeing us. Let alone, get the results?!?"

"Simple, we find some spare uniforms somewhere then put them on. We can walk inside no trouble then." I explain.

"Oh okay, this could actually work!" Exclaimed Adrianna.

"Yeh it could!" I say, enthusiastically "Are y'all in too?"

"Ok," Mikayla said, reluctantly.

"Yeah, what could go wrong?" Says Olivia.

Well, a lot actually. But I don't say that bit.


We're on the bus on the way to the hospital now and my fears are getting the better of me. What happens if we can't find any uniforms and then we have to go up there looking completely unqualified. We'll never get in! Well, it's always worth a try I suppose.

Suddenly, the bus window that's next to me, flys open on its own and a piece of paper floats onto my lap!!! I nudge Olivia who I'm sitting next to so that she can look at it with me. She looks up and sees the note; her eyes widen! I open the note and it says...



"What the hell? Didn't you say she was killed?" Exclaims Olivia.

"Well, that's what we thought. This is our second note supposedly from her!" I tell her.

"That's so weird! And creepy too. How does she even know anyway? I mean come on, she's meant to be dead!"

"I don't know. It can't be real! As much as I want it to be, it's just not possible! Her Mum and I found her dead in their back garden!" I remind her.

"Yeah! Just not possible,"

I show Adrianna and Mikayla too, they don't understand how it could be possible either.


Mikayla's P.O.V.

We eventually get to the hospital and we all have a wary look on our faces. I still don't know if Taylah's plan was a good idea. We could get put in jail!!!!

"Ok guys, let's go look for some spare uniforms!" Says Taylah. Her wary look has faded out and has become a determined one!

"Ok then," Says Livvy. I'm quite jealous of Olivia because I really wanted to be Taylah's bestest friend. I've known her way longer than Olivia but she still gets Taylah! To be honest though I really like Olivia; she's very kind and funny.

"Let's go!" Adrianna and I say that in unison. Through all this Adrianna and I have become closer.

Taylah's P.O.V.

We rush into a storage cupboard which happened to have some spare uniforms in it! We put them on and rush out again before anyone gets suspicious. We look around for a sign that says 'post-mortems', then walk upstairs trying our best to look professional.

When we get to the correct level there are LOADS of people running around trying to tend to their responsibilities. There's a sign above a door that says the word we want to see so Mikayla pushes the door open slowly...

The room is dark and eery. We step inside carefully and we begin.

"Livvy and I will look through the files and you two look at the bodies," I whisper, quietly.

"Ok," They say back.

So Livvy and I start to flip through the results file, trying to find Naomi's name. There was nothing nothing here at all! There had to be something! I mean, we've looked through all the files twice and there was nothing whatsoever! That's when I hear a terrifying SCREAM of horror!

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