Chapter 24 -I Know Who You Are! (Part 2)

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F stops struggling and he just lays there, almost lifeless! I slowly bring my shaking arm up to his black hood, and I lift it up above his head. I let out a loud gasp as I catch a glimpse of who's hidden behind the hoodie. Then, I quickly flick it back fully and bring my arm away vigorously! Never, in a million years did I expect it to be this person! What do I do now?


Taylah's P.O.V.

"Elliot?" I whisper, to myself. But he hears and nods. "Why?"

"I couldn't bare seeing you with other people!" He whispers, back.

"B-but you can't just kill my friends and family to get back at the other boys!! I mean, how does that effect the boys?!? It just hurts me more!" I explain, tears welling up on my eyes.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have ever done it! But your friends aren't dead! I just kidnapped them!" Elliot says.

"You can't kidnap them either!!! But you did shoot my Mum!"

"I didn't realise the gun was loaded! I was just threatening her, I'm sorry,"

"Do you seriously think 'sorry's' gonna cut it?!?!" I yell, still holding him down with my own body weight.

He doesn't answer and just looks down, guiltily.

"But more to the point... How?!?! I thought you died in the car crash!!!" I say, hanging the subject, partially.

"I managed to escape but I was the only one. The police new, just decided not to tell anyone for my own safety,"

"Seriously?!?! Do you know how long I spent waiting on my balcony linked to my room, waiting for you each night?"

"You, you waited for me? I thought you'd be done with me!" He stutters.

"NO!! I waited for hours on end!! You were my first love for gods sake!" I yell, getting slightly angry. I stand up, setting him free and start to wave my arms around as I speak. "But now I have a boyfriend, who I really like, and you aren't gonna get in the way of that, ok?"

The man I was so scared of before, the one I felt so threatened by, is actually my ex-boyfriend!!

"I know, but can't you forgive me? I know about the boyfriend, but I'd at least like to be your friend!"

"I think I could accept your offer, if you show me where Mum and the rest of them are, or bring them back to me along with Fran." I bargain.

"Oh Taylah, I though you knew! Your Mother is the only one who actually is dead!" He explains, calmly. How can he possibly be so calm?!?!

"Yo-you MONSTER!!!!!!" I scream, louder than ever. It's just as well nobody else os around.

"Ta-" I cut him off.

"NO! You bloody killed my Mother!! The person who brought me into this world! She was innocent and had nothing to do with us!!! You had NO right to lay your hands on her!! I can't even begin to imagine the pain she went through, can you? And not to mention the trauma of the fear of you when you pulled the gun out of your pocket or whatever! I HATE YOU!!!!!" I start to run away from him angrily.

He gets up and follows me. I have both angry and traumatised tears pouring out of my eyes. I don't even bother to wipe them away as I'm too sad to even care! The old tears start to dry on my cheeks, as new ones fall and wet my fringe, which has just fallen in front of my face.

I feel a pair of masculine hands wrap around my waist (Elliot). He turns me round and brings me into a teddy bear cuddle. He strokes my head with his hands, delicately, as if I might shatter if he does it too hard.

"Sshh, calm down," he whispers, soothingly.

I accept his cuddle; I don't care. I know when I said I hated him wasn't true. I just said all that stuff because I was sad about Mum, not angry at him. I know it was an accident.

"Sshh," he continues to soothe me and stroke my head.

I remember the first time he told me he loved me. So, I let out a truthful, muffled sentence:

"I love you," I can feel his tense body loosen up when he hears those words come out of my mouth.

"I love you too," he replies.

I know now that I look a mess, and I feel a mess too! Yet he still loves me! It's just as well that I didn't put on my make-up earlier, as it would be dripping down, all over my face right now if I had!

We stay in that hugging position until I've eventually calmed down. We then pull away.

"Fran and Naomi will be back at school on Monday, as will I. But until then I think we should get you home. Let's keep what I've done between us two, ok?" I just nod and smile.

"What form will you be in?" I ask.

"The form I used to always be in before; 10JF,"



Elliot and I walk up the steps to my house's front door.

"Thank you, for walking me home, Elliot. I'll see you on Monday," I start to get my keys out of my bag when Elliot whispers:


I turn around and meet his gaze. He starts to slowly move in, getting closer to my lips him second. I start to move in too. But, when we only a few centimetres away from each other, and our lips are about to crash, I dip my head. He sighs and moves back up to a normal position.

"M-my boyfriend lives next door," I tilt my head in the direction of Dylan's house "and I can't betray him, sorry. I love you, but I also love him. I'll see you soon," And with that I walk inside.

Monday should be good, what with Naomi, Fran and Elliot being back! And no F to worry about!

Authors Note:

Hey guys,

I really hope you're happy with who F is! And I also really hope you like this chapter and this book! Tell me what you think in the comments section!

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Thank you!


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