somebody that I used to know

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Shuichi: Hey kiibo have to seen Yuka the author girl..?

Kiibo: I was just speaking with her a minute ago-

Shuichi:thanks love!

Shuichi gave kiibo a quick peck on the cheek and ran to the authors editing room.

Kiibo only thought about one thing

Was he che-
But he had to make sure...

Kiibo asked kokichi to come with him and Kiibo wasn't taking no for an answer so he literally dragged the rat.

When they got there kiibo kicked down the door and saw something he'll never forget.

Yuka and Saihara: bUt yOu dIDnT hAve to CuT mE oFF yshurjtijdnejdjd wE were noThInG

Saihara,Rantaro and the author were in the heathers outfits while Rantaro wore Saihara's hat, Saihara wore Hajime's wig and the author was wearing ryoma's hat.

Shuichi: I...can explain?.

Rantaro: I-


author: I'm scared-

Kiibo had then blew up the school again.

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