Hello Nashville

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You follow Lily off the plane, eyes glued to your phone and music blaring through your headphones. Lily abruptly stops and turns around, yanking your earbuds out.

"Dude, what the hell?!" You say.

She crosses her arms over her chest. "Two of the girls from Cimorelli are waiting outside to take us to your apartment."

"...Okay... and?"

"Y/N, you need to be nice to them, okay? They didn't have to do this."

"I'm one hundred percent sure their management made them."

Lily sighs, and you feel kind of bad because of how frustrated she sounds. "Please, Y/N/N. Just try, okay? If this doesn't work out then the next step would be Marcus dropping you from the label."

"He wouldn't do that."

"Don't give him a reason to have to think about it."

You follow Lily outside after grabbing your suitcase. Most of your stuff was already sent to your apartment. It's a three bedroom, with one bedroom being yours, one being for Lily, and the other acting as an in-home studio. It's supposedly in the same building where a few of the sister's live. You don't know much, but you know Christina has her own house with her husband and you think Katherine has a house too.

Lily immediately walks over to two girls standing beside a parked car. One is your height, with brown hair and dark brown eyes, and the other is taller with blackish brown hair and green eyes. 

"Hey, you're Dani and Lauren, right?" Lily asks, shaking their hands.

You roll your eyes, because who really shakes hands with people?

The taller girl nods her head. "Yeah, I'm Dani and this is Lauren. We're the youngest sisters from the group. And you're Lily Palmer?"

Lily nods, then wraps her arm around your shoulder to pull you into the group. "And this is Y/N Heart."

You offer them a slight grin, hands shoved in your leather jacket. "Hey." 

"I like your jacket." Dani says, and you notice the way she's smirking. 

You meet her gaze, then focus on looking at her lips because she's staring at you so intensely. "Thanks." Your leather jacket is kind of your signature look. It even has your last name on the back.

The four of you get into the car, you and Lily in the back while Lauren drives and Dani sits beside her. 

Dani turns around in her seat so she can look at you. "So, me, Lauren, Amy, and Lisa live in the same building as you right down the hall. Christina lives with her husband right outside the city and Katherine is renting a house with her fiance right across the street from them." 

"Cool." You nod and look out the window, because Dani keeps looking at you, like maybe she's seeing right to your soul. People don't really look at you like that.

"Do you have any family?" She asks suddenly, and you force yourself to look back at her.

"Nah, so the fact that all six of you are sisters terrifies me."

Dani wiggles her eyebrows at you, and you smile at her without even meaning to. "We have five brothers too."

"You're kidding."

"I'm dead serious. Most of them have moved pretty far away, but the younger ones live with our parents."

You lean your head against the window, still looking at her. "So, are holidays at your house just beyond wild?"

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