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A few days after the party, you're in your studio working on your song with Ariana. It's coming together really nicely. You're hoping she can fly down soon to record it between concert rehearsals.

You're sitting cross legged on the futton, wearing plaid pj pants and a tank top. Your notebook is in your lap, while you tap your pen against your bottom lip. You start humming, analyzing the lyrics you've already written. There's something missing.

"What are you doing?"

You jump at the sound of Dani's voice, nearly falling onto the ground. You look up and find the taller girl leaning against the door frame.

"I'm working on a song." You answer.

"The one you sang for me the other day?"

"Nah. This is a duet."

Dani nods. "Well, come on."

"What? Are we going somewhere?"

"Duh. We went to the party with you. Now you're going to drive around with me and Lauren listening to music."

"Dude, I at least gave you a heads up." You gesture to your outfit. "I'm in pajamas."

"So?" Dani points out her own outfit, leggings and a baggy shirt. "That's kind of the point. Now come on, we're stopping at the gas station for snacks." She walks away without letting you respond.


Lauren and Dani sit in the front, and you sit in the middle sit in the back. Lauren pulls into the nearest gas station and looks back at you.

"Do you wanna pick out the snacks?" She asks.


She tries to hand over a twenty, but you just tell her not to worry about it and disappear inside.

"I can't believe she came with us." Lauren tells Dani.

The younger girl just shrugs. "I can, honestly. This seems like something she would like."

"How do you know?"

"I don't know. Just a feeling."

After about ten minutes, you come back to the car with three bags full of junk food. You actually look nervous as you climb into the back seat, and it makes Dani's heart clench.

"Um.. I didn't really know what to get.." You say, dropping the bags in front of you.

You look up at them, eyes wide like you're waiting for their approval. All at once, Dani realizes she's getting a glimpse at a new side of you. She's overcome with the urge to lean into the back seat and kiss you right now, but she shakes her head to get rid of it.

"That's perfect." She says, giving you a warm smile.

She watches you visibly relax, smiling back. "Cool."

Lauren pulls back onto the road. "Oh! I forgot to mention, Ryan wants to hang out too. Is that cool?"

Dani nods, rolling down her window to stick her arm out. "Ryan, huh? He's cute."

Lauren rolls her eyes. "Shut up."

Once Lauren pulls into Ryan's driveway, she gets out of the car to meet him on the front porch. Dani climbs into the back seat, scooting in beside you. Lauren and Ryan stand on the porch for a few minutes, talking.

"I mean, he's kinda cute." You tell Dani, referring to her comment from earlier.

Dani smirks, not looking at you because it might give away her amused look at the fact that you sound jealous. "I think he's really cute, honestly, but Lauren likes him. Plus, he's not my type."

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