two ✎

11 2 0

1st of august.

When the taxi dropped  us off at the hotel, we couldn't believe our eyes.

I honestly don't know HOW Mum managed to afford this luxury- it looked like something out of a movie.

The guy at the front desk was incredibly handsome, may I say, and the staff so kind, even offering us a glass of juice.

Our room is located on the 3rd floor, we have a balcony, a mini fridge, and a fantastic sea view!

The room itself is very sophisticated, there's a king sized bed, with a single one next to the bathroom, and the pillows are made out of silk. The walls are baby blue, the wood flooring impeccably clean, without a speck of dust, and there's a faint smell of jasmin in the air.

The bathroom is literally the size of my bedroom, there's a toilet, and a small bidet next to it. There's a small sofa in front of the sink, neatly folded towels with toiletries on top of them.

Then at the end of the room there's a shower, with a closet round the corner, and I'm shook to find three bath robes hung up on coat hangers. I feel like a celebrity!

When I step out of what seemed like a parallel universe, I take a look in the fridge, and find a few cans of Coke, sandwiches, and three tubs of ice cream, each a different flavour- Cookie dough, Strawberry, and Chocolate chip.

I snatch the Cookie dough tub before Aiden has a chance to lay his eyes on it, and start savouring the delicious taste.

"So are we going to the pool or what?" Aiden says, breaking the PEACEFUL silence.

"We just got here, are you not tired, lad?" Mum asks, lowering her glasses.

Aiden shakes his head, running to the balcony, "Oh! The pool looks so dope! There are literally palm trees surrounding it! And the deckchairs are shaped like leaves, and there are BED-"

"NYX, Just go with him to the flippin pool,  I need some peace and quiet" Mum says, waving her hand at me.

I think the f*** NOT.

"Oh no, I'm way too tired, and by the way, I was eating this ice cream" I object, halfway through the tub already.

"Don't eat too much sugary stuff, it'll make you fat." She sighs. "He won't shut up if you refuse to take him, just lay on a deckchair if you feel weary"

I roll my eyes, and glare at Aiden, who's already got a Bluetooth speaker in hand, and already wearing his Ben 10 swimming shorts. (Y'all, this child  💀)

"Alright, alright" I surrender. But I don't have to swim with him, right?"

"No, just accompany him there, and be careful he doesn't SWALLOW the water this time" Mum replies, eyes glued on her OK! magazine. The front page reads "

Lord Almighty.

I change into a comfortable pair of shorts, and the usual pair of Vans.

"Wait! I shout, before Aiden rushes out the door. You forgot the sunscreen!"

Aiden is sun sensitive, and has vitiligo, (a skin condition, he has white patches on both of his hands and chest).

"I was just gonna go and get it, stop acting like I'm forgetful or something" He growls, snatching the bottle out of my poor hand.

I look over my shoulder, and smirk when I notice Mum isn't paying any attention whatsoever to us. I swat him on the back of his head, and sprint out of the room before he can even think about snitching on me.

Unfortunately, I get my instant karma.

As I turn around the corner, ready to race down the stairs, I  bump into something- causing me to lose my balance and end up landing on my ass with a loud THUD.

My cheeks start heating up like crazy, the impact of the fall giving me an instant headache.

I slowly look up at the person in question, only to  find an angry - looking man glaring at me, arms folded.

I stand up with every ounce of strength I have left and notice that Aiden is nowhere to be found.

"U-Um, I'm so sorry sir" I timidly apologise, practically hugging the wall next to me.

I expect him to say "Oh, no worries" or wipe that horrid grimace off of his face but he takes a few steps  closer, and starts to BARK AT ME.

"WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING! THERE COULD HAVE BEEN ACCIDENT! I notice he has an Asian accent. He pauses, taking off his glasses and pointing his finger at me;
I WANT TO SPEAK WITH YOUR FATHER. NOW! NOW!" He barks, spit flying all over the place.

What, dude it's not like I ASKED for this to happen. IT AINT THAT DEEP-

"Um, there's only my mum, and she's-

I think for a few seconds, I can't tell him my mother's here, I'll have to come up with an excuse.

"-She's not here yet, uh- we couldn't book the same flight for........professional reasons, so she arrives in Ibiza tomorrow morning. I guess you could talk to her then." I stammer, lying so hard I can almost feel my pants on fire.

"You look twelve years old, you travel here all alone?" He skeptically questions me.

I continue my clown act as best as I can,

"N-no, I am actually 18 (true) and I'm not alone, my brother is staying here as well... He's 24."

Oh God, please make him believe all that crap.

Mentally crossing my fingers, I see him relax a bit, and put his glasses back on.

"I will talk to your mother tomorrow morning. He wrinkles his nose in disgust, as if I'm the bag of trash he forgot to take out. Now, go away"

I ZAYN down the stairs, and fish out  an old Nokia flip phone my mother agreed to lend me. Once I reach the fancy lobby, I call Aiden.

After three rings, he finally picks up,

"Yea, what?" He casually asks.

"UH, Where on Earth ARE YOU AT?"

"Oh, didn't really feel like going to the pool to be honest, so I went back to our room. -And by the way I told auntie Emma what you did to me, she said that you'll see what's gonna happen when you return here"


Fuming, I punch the red button and plop myself down on one of the sofas- watching the receptionist greet new vacationists, an obvious, fake smile plastered on his face.

A few moments later I notice a dark figure a few meters away from me, taking pictures of the staircase, at different angles, and then moving on to photograph the leather chairs, a black hoodie hiding most of his face, making it impossible to see what he looks like.

He  crouches down to snap the marble flooring, closing one eye and biting his lower lip-


When he stands up, my eyes nearly fly out of their sockets.

The dude turns around, and my heart starts pounding as he points the camera lens RIGHT AT ME.


A/N: Damn Nyx is so dumb, HOW did she not realise it was Mystery Man from the airport !?

By the way, I don't know if anyone is reading this fanfic, but if you are please vote / and . or / leave a comment! Are there any NCTzens out there? K-POP fans? 😫😭

Anyways, have a good day|night <3

Much love.

heartbreak hotel ღ lee taeyong Where stories live. Discover now