Call me Mrs.Stackhouse

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Ariella's pov..

Three weeks later***

"Damon. We've had this talk. I'm marrying Jason regardless if he's a human or not. I love him. You love Elena. Just get over it.",I say walking out of the kitchen;a bottle of bourbon in my hand. 

    "Please don't marry the freakazoid.",He says looking deeply into my golden brown eyes.

"He's not a freakazoid. He's my fiancé and I love him. How many times do I have to say it before you finally get it?",I say and roll my eyes quickly.

   "As many times as it takes for you to realize that you don't love him.",He says before snatching the bottle of bourbon out of my hands quickly. 

"No drinking for the new freakazoid.",He says and I growl lowly at his arrogance.

    "You made me into this freakazoid Damon! Now give me the fucking bottle!",I yell and suddenly the front door opens;revealing Jason,completely plastered.

"Baby? Are you okay?",I ask walking towards him,confusion clearly all over my face.

   "You know what's weird Ella?",He asks softly and I sigh quickly,looking into his hazel eyes for any kind of sign that he's still right minded.

"What's weird Jason?",I say;taking his hand into mine gently,and checking to make sure he hadn't been compelled or screwed with.

        "It's weird that I've loved you for so long and now I get to marry you. I get to marry my best friend in three days.",He says and I smile brightly.

"You know what. That is weird but you know what's even weirder? Taking a nap. Lets go take a nap.",I say and I lead him upstairs and into my bedroom;tucking him him underneath my sheets.

         "I love you Ariella Mikealson.",He whispers,tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

    "I love you too Jason  Stackhouse.",I whisper before turning off the lamp and jumping in next to him,laying my head on his chest softly.

   Three Days Later ***

"Ariella ?",Damon says walking into my bedroom;a frown over his pale white face.

    "Yes Damon?",I ask,feeling suddenly annoyed by him being around me.  It's been like that since I left four years ago. 

I was willing to give him a chance. I was willing to put aside everything that had went wrong with us,but Jason needed me,and Elena was never going to give Damon up. After that,I realized that Jason truly was the love of my life. There was nothing that Damon could say or do that would make me love him the way I did before. 

   "I just came to give you this...",He says;holding up a beautiful diamond necklace.

"Wow. I can't accept this Damon.",I say;taking a step forward towards him to get a better look at the necklace.

   "Yes you can. You're the closest thing I've ever had to love. Before my mom died...she gave me this necklace and told me that "whenever I found love." To give it to that girl. It's worth a thousand smiles and love forever. My father always hounded me to give it to someone of a "proper background" and I never really understood what he meant until I met you... Anyway kiddo,here's your necklace.",He says turning me around and clasping the necklace around my neck quickly. 

   To be completely honest,Damon has never shared much about his family with me. He's always been a closed book,but seeing him talking about his Mom and Dad...The tears that welled up in his eyes..It showed me that Damon really is a good person. 

Rose Petals(Tvd/True blood crossover.) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin