one || deben

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triggers - nil

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daniel couldn't fall asleep.

he wasn't even tired, and no matter how many times he blinked rapidly and changed position he couldn't feel it. his mind kept racing, going all over the place, never settling down on a specific thought.

he had to do a publicity stunt tomorrow with angi, whom he utterly adored, just not in the way that management wanted them to portray. she loved him just as much, but both being gay completely erased the lust and want emotion the public suspected them to have.

the band were to be releasing 6/12 tomorrow, and he'd spent so long writing it, perfecting it. daniel didn't want it to be a flop. he wanted the limelight's to love it, for the distant public to love it. damn it, he wanted the whole world to love it. daniel didn't want the song to flop as the other five had.

and on and on and on his mind went, up until the point when he couldn't take it anymore.

daniel needed a distraction.

he needed to talk about something else, anything else.

he needed eben.

the ocean-eyed boy huffed, finally giving up and sliding out of his bunk onto the floor to crawl along it to his boyfriend's bunk, which was very conveniently located closest to the floor as well. he heard someone cough and froze for a moment, before continuing until he got to the head of the bed, peeling the curtain that separated eben from the rest of them back. daniel got in then closed it again, feeling large arms encircle his waist and pull him down onto the bed.

"hey, bubba."

daniel hummed and shivered, feeling a cold chill run up his back as eben pushed his hand under his shirt, gripping his hip as he pulled him closer to his chest, dousing the two with warmth as the duvet was pulled back over the top of them.

"what's wrong, dan?" he asked, slightly concerned. not very often did daniel come to his bed. they cherished their privacy too much together, and having the other boys waking up in the morning to find them, entangled, shirts off, distasted to them both. neither of the other four let them live it down the fist time, mocking them with moaning noises every chance they got, even though they clearly didn't have sex.

"just... just talk. don't stop," daniel whispered back to him. eben got the message – daniel didn't want to talk about it.

they would talk in the morning, the note in his voice promised, just not right now.

"right, well. um. right now, we are on a tour bus on the way to l.a., which is where we live. together. in a house with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a laundry and a kitchen. we share a bed. when we get back, we have one last show before we complete our – well, your eight letters tour. after you've done that, we're going home, just to two of us, and going on a hot date in our treehouse –" daniel giggled softly, and eben's breath hitched in his throat at the sound before he continued "– in our sweats and fuzzy socks and mcdonalds, and possibly bring smoky up there if he lets us." smoky was the siamese cat they had adopted together just after they bought the house.

"that sounds beautiful, ebby," daniel cooed, eyes drooping as he tried to fight off the sleep. he felt it tobe somewhat ironic that before he had wanted to sleep, and now he didn't. eben had that kind of effect on him, always making him so exactly the opposite of what he wanted, but in the best way possible.

"sleep, dani, i've got you." daniel felt warm breath whispering into his ear and he relaxed, letting the older boy lull him to sleep with the sweet nothings he muttered against the top of daniel's head, drawing small circles on his back and carding his hand repeatedly through his hair.

eben snuggled into daniels shoulder as air started to get a bit nippy, mind going all over the place as his boy beside him slept.

he knew daniel would never cheat on him, but what if one day he realised that he could do so, so, so much better than eben? what if he didn't think eben deserved him? well, he didn't, but that was beside the point. what if he just packed up one day and left him wondering what the hell had just happened.

daniel knew eben's past. could one of these days he decide that eben was too problematic for him? what if one day he accidentally says something that would hurt the other boy? what would happen if-

daniel shifted slightly, nuzzling into the sky-eyed boy's collarbone – his sweet spot. eben smiled as he felt a hand fist his shirt, clinging to him as though the smaller, more petite boy was a little koala bear. they made each other feel whole; two parts that made up their little circle of love.

eben suddenly remembered the ring in his suitcase, the one he had gotten from his home town when they passed through it. the promises of a future together – a wedding, children of their own, and being able to love one another in the most intimate way possible – brought him back to reality. by tomorrow night, he hoped, these would be in the immediate future.

they loved one another, and there was no doubting that. they truly loved each other, and the force of love alone would protect them from the bad in the world, only letting in the good. if they continued to surround themselves with people who loved them and cared for them, such as their families, their friends, and their fans, then nothing should get in their way, management and haters be damned.

eben wanted daniel, and daniel wanted eben. it was as simple as that.

happy thoughts swam around his head as he let himself drift to sleep next to the one he loved.

yes, he'd probably wake up without a shirt on, curtain peeled back to let in subtle sunlight as the others giggled and playfully mocked them. yes, he'd have to watch his boyfriend – maybe, just maybe, soon to be fiancé – go out with a strange woman and pretend to be in love with her.

but by this time tomorrow night he would be happier, giggling with his boyfriend as they scrutinised over the new season of 'stranger things', watching Daniels face as tears streamed down as he got down on one knee, box in hand.

and that was all that mattered to him.

(spoiler alert – he said yes)

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one-thousand and fifty-six words

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